Meth Addiction Treatment

There are countless reasons why anyone might try methamphetamine. Whether it’s due to peer pressure, boredom, curiosity, or a misguided attempt to lose weight, there is no denying that many people find reasons to use meth. You may already know firsthand about the results.

Methamphetamine is incredibly potent and highly addictive. The energy rush and intense euphoria it provides can get people hooked even after just one use. Even if you say you are careful and only want to try it once, it can still pull you under. Within a short amount of time, using it daily is your reality and it takes crystal just to feel awake or even alive. But help is available, and it can help you to break this cycle.

Keep reading to find out about meth addiction treatment programs at Icarus Behavioral Health and how to get started on a path to recovery!

What are the Symptoms of Meth Addiction?

Thankfully, methamphetamine addiction can be treated. It can be difficult and there can be significant chances of relapse over the course of your meth addiction treatment journey, but thousands have already recovered successfully. Over the years, there have been several effective meth addiction treatment methods widely used to help people recover and get back to their normal lives.

One of the key factors to successful meth addiction treatment is doing it as soon as possible. Learning how to recognize signs of drug abuse and addiction, aside from the condition’s characteristic compulsive drug-seeking tendencies and intense cravings, is crucial.

24 Hour Meth Addiction Treatment

Below are other signs and symptoms of meth addiction to keep an eye out for, especially among your friends and family.

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Overall fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Insomnia
  • Low appetite
  • Mood swings or disturbances
  • Violent behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Malnutrition
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Meth mouth or severe tooth decay and gum disease

If you notice any of these symptoms and side effects of meth addiction, whether in yourself or a loved one, seek or guide them to professional medical help immediately.

Basic Approach for Meth Addiction Treatment

There are various types of meth treatments and therapies available to help you or your loved one recover from addiction or drug abuse. There are three basic approaches commonly used by our meth addiction treatment program at Icarus:

  • Medical model. This model focuses on the physical factors of addiction. Examples of treatments under this model are medically supervised detoxes. The medical model is commonly used for individuals with acute drug dependency or have dual diagnosis disorders.
  • Social model. This approach emphasizes peer mentoring and developing strong social support. It is based on the principles used in 12-step recovery programs. Different peer recovery support groups or programs fall under this model.
  • Therapeutic community model. In this model, those recovering from drug addiction are placed in a drug-free living environment that’s specifically designed to promote change, strengthen their resolve, and help them transition to drug-free living. A great example of this model are residential rehabilitation facilities, such as our treatment center in Albuquerque.

Meth Addiction Treatments on the Horizon

There are also some promising meth addiction treatments that are still in development. There are currently no approved medications for treating meth abuse or dependency. However, studies are being conducted on the following pharmacological or drug-based treatments:

  • Ibudilast and minocycline. Scientists are studying these as potential meth addiction treatment options due to their ability to inhibit microglia activation, which has been associated with chronic meth use or drug abuse. Microglia are cells that resolve inflammation in the central nervous system.
  • Dopamine stimulant medications. Much like how methadone or buprenorphine is used to treat opioid addiction, experts are exploring the possibility of using stimulant medications as treatment for long-term meth abuse.
  • Naltrexone, bupropion, and buprenorphine. In a similar vein, scientists are also looking into the possibility of treating meth addiction using the body’s opioid system, opioid antagonists, and opioid partial agonists. Promise has been shown in limited studies using a combination of bupropion (Wellbutrin) and Naltrexone (to reduce cravings) in medication management for meth addiction.

Research is also being conducted on non-drug-based meth addiction treatment options. Experts are exploring other possible therapies to help curb addiction symptoms, alter brain activity, and more.

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. This is a non-invasive therapy treatment for substance use disorder in general that uses magnetic pulses to help stimulate the brain.
  • Neurofeedback or neurotherapy. This potential treatment teaches you how to be more mindful and regulate your own brain function using devices that display brain activity in real-time.

Finding Effective Treatments for Meth Addiction

Most reputable sources regarding meth addiction and drug abuse, in general, recommend behavioral therapies as the most effective treatment. This is also one of the treatments recommended by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Behavioral therapy treatments commonly used at rehab and treatment centers across the U.S., including here at Icarus Behavioral Health, include individual or group counseling, cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT), and contingency management treatment.

One CBT treatment approach is the Matrix Model. This is a 16-week intensive treatment that uses a combination of behavioral therapy, individual counseling, family education, 12-step support, drug tests, and encouragement to participate in non-drug-related activities. So far, it has proven effective in bringing down meth use and the number of meth addicts.

Another highly effective and recommended meth treatment is MIEDAR, or Motivational Incentives for Enhancing Drug Abuse Recovery. MIEDAR is a type of contingency management intervention, specifically one that uses incentives to help promote abstinence from meth. So far, it has demonstrated positive results and good efficacy in NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network.

Below are some of the recommended and proven effective meth treatment options we offer at Icarus Behavioral Health:

Medical Detox

Medically supervised detox is often the first step of an addiction treatment and rehabilitation program. However, it is not a treatment per se — rather, it is closer to a preparation step to ensure you receive your treatment well and free of meth or other addictive substances.

When you undergo medical detox for meth, you essentially purge your body of methamphetamine or your choice of drug or alcohol. As such, medical detox is also sometimes referred to as medically supervised withdrawal or withdrawal management.

Unlike going cold turkey by yourself at home, a medically supervised detox is safer and more secure. It can also help reduce the risk of failure or relapse over the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms.

Inpatient or Residential Rehab Treatment

Residential or inpatient addiction treatment is a highly structured setting that follows detox and helps clients get both the schedule and accountability needed for a sober lifestyle.

This option is highly recommended, especially for individuals with severe drug addiction. Acute addiction often results in severe drug withdrawals and treatment with Icarus can help you combat withdrawal and overcome the difficulties of a meth comedown. This may result in dangerous withdrawal symptoms like convulsions and hallucinations. Having 24-hour care and medical assistance may be necessary in such cases to ensure your safety and assist you through the process.

Outpatient Treatment

Intensive outpatient programs allow you to stay at home while detoxing and may instead offer close medical supervision. This is done through daily treatment sessions at our facilities in either Albuquerque or Rio Rancho. Outpatient treatments are just as safe and largely as effective as inpatient treatment.

However, it is only recommended for individuals with mild to moderate addiction or withdrawal symptoms, due to the lack of structure and needs to build up sober support for many suffering from substance use disorders.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a short-term and goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment. It is widely considered a top substance abuse treatment for meth users. Aside from that, CBT is also used to help address other addictions and mental health problems, including depression and generalized anxiety disorders.

CBT helps people become more aware of destructive thinking patterns, emotions, and actions that are associated with their drug use and address them accordingly. This type of therapy is designed to help accurately assess your circumstances and develop effective, realistic strategies to address negative behavior. It’s essentially used to help you be more cognizant of your behavior.

Cognitive behavior therapy at Icarus Behavioral Health is always customized according to your needs and history to be effective for your goals in recovering from meth.

Immediate Help For Meth Addiction

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy or DBT is actually a form of CBT. The word “dialectical” means a synthesis or integration of opposites. It refers to how the therapy uses “opposite” strategies of acceptance and change.

It utilizes both behavioral and cognitive methods to help meth users understand how to regulate emotions, tolerate and manage stress, and improve their social or interpersonal skills. During therapy sessions, you learn safe, positive ways to identify and cope with negative emotions. Mindfulness exercises are also used in this treatment.

DBT is used as a treatment not only for meth addiction but also for self-harm, borderline personality disorder (BPD), and other coping behaviors, such as binge eating. In fact, DBT was originally created to help individuals struggling with chronic suicidal tendencies and BPD.

There are four stages during DBT treatment:

  • Stage 1: During this stage, clients are still continuing their out-of-control or unhealthy behavior. The goal during this phase is to help them stop their self-destructive behavior and achieve control over themselves.
  • Stage 2: During this stage, you already have your behavior under control. However, past trauma and the emotions left over may evoke feelings of invalidation and quiet desperation. The goal during this stage is to help you move on from the experience.
  • Stage 3: This stage is all about rehabilitation or helping you learn to rebuild and live life again, instead of simply surviving. During this stage, you work on defining life goals, building self-respect, and finding peace and happiness.
  • Stage 4: This stage focuses on helping clients work towards finding a deeper meaning in life or a further goal to fulfill. It helps people move on from their experience and find a sense of connectedness to a greater whole.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy or REBT is an active-directive psychotherapy method. Its main goal is resolving both emotional and behavioral problems and helping people struggling with addiction or mental illness lead more fulfilling lives.

REBT centers on helping you identify damaging ideas or destructive thoughts, as well as replacing those thoughts with healthier, reasonable ones. Undergoing this therapy helps you understand your own thoughts and think of ways to counter them, develop better habits, and overall have better mental and emotional health.

REBT disputes irrational beliefs and replaces them with effective, logical ones. It helps individuals struggling with substance use disorders and mental illness lower their emotional distress. Its exercises and sessions promote realistic, rational, and flexible thought processes.

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery is a support program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. Instead of a 12-step program though, SMART Recovery is a self-strengthening program. It teaches you various recovery tools to cope with your urges and overcome drug use or other substance addiction.

The program model uses six stages of change to measure where you are in your addiction and recovery process.

These stages are:

  • Precontemplation
  • Contemplation
  • Determination or preparation
  • Action
  • Maintenance
  • Graduation or exit

SMART Recovery is often used together with an inpatient treatment program. It helps strengthen participants’ resolve and allows them to meet others who are undertaking the same journey. The SMART Recovery program gives you a way to engage with fellow peers, build a strong support system, and further strengthen your inpatient care plan.

24 Hour Addiction Treatment

Treating Methamphetamine Addiction in New Mexico

Recovering from meth addiction isn’t a pipe dream. While the journey may be challenging and at times push you to your limits, it is possible to recover fully. Having the right mindset, the right support system, and the right medical professionals by your side can make your healing journey easier and help you stay sober afterward.

That is exactly what Icarus Behavioral Health does for all its clients. We offer unwavering support, compassionate care, and state-of-the-art health facilities to help you get through this rough patch. Our rehabilitation facilities are one of the top choices for meth addiction treatment in New Mexico.

Contact our Admissions team now to take the first steps on your meth recovery journey!

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