Dodge City Drug Rehab

Get Alternatives to Dodge City Rehabs at Icarus in NM

Not all treatment centers are created equally. At this time, there is only one drug rehab center in Dodge City, KS, and it does not have all of the offerings Icarus Behavioral Health provides at a day’s drive away.

So, what should you know if you or your loved one is looking for a Dodge City drug rehab?

We make the transition to substance abuse treatment at Icarus easy for Dodge City residents. This article will go over what to expect as a Dodge City resident attending our drug rehab center, reasons to choose us for addiction treatment, and Dodge City resources that can help you stay sober once your program is over.

Getting Substance Abuse Treatment at Icarus as a Dodge City Resident

Icarus Behavioral Health is located in New Mexico, roughly a 3.5-hour flight away from Dodge City, KS. You can also get here by bus or car and can expect to spend an estimated 8 hours on the road if that is the case. If you need help with directions, we can assist. Just call the admissions line on our page for more information.

Icarus Behavioral Health is a cutting-edge treatment center in New Mexico. We help people with substance abuse, mental health, and dual-diagnosis disorders of all types and levels. Here are some of the reasons to choose us.

Housing and On-Site Amenities

Residential inpatient clients at our drug and alcohol rehab benefit from the comfortable rooms and on-site amenities at our residential treatment center. Amenities include but aren’t limited to chef-prepared meals, a pool, and a fitness center.

Most people coming from Dodge City, KS, will opt for our inpatient program due to the housing and accountability it provides. However, clients in our partial hospitalization, outpatient, or intensive outpatient programs can opt to stay in sober living close to our treatment center.

If you require detoxification, we offer detox services to help you get off of drugs and alcohol safely before entering residential treatment.

Confidential Drug and Alcohol Abuse Assessment – Call Now!

Evidence-Based Therapies and Holistic Treatments

The evidence-based therapies and treatments at Icarus set us apart from other rehab centers near Dodge City, KS. Our team includes staff members who are experts in a wide range of treatments used for addiction and mental health.

These include but aren’t limited to the following:

We also offer a range of supportive holistic treatments. For example, massage, yoga, acupuncture, mindfulness, and nutrition support.

Life Skills Training and Opportunities

Our life skills options are one of the key features that set us apart from other drug rehab centers. We acknowledge that every client is unique and comes to addiction treatment with a different skill set.

You can engage in the life skills options that make sense for you. Examples of what we help clients with include but aren’t limited to the following:

  • Mindfulness and psychological skills that provide destructive behavioral alternatives, help clients repair interpersonal relationships, and manage stress.
  • Financial planning, creating a budget, and opening a checking account.
  • Grocery shopping, nutrition education, and preparing basic meals.
  • Healthy routines and self-care.
  • Creative activities and skills.

We can also help you look into work and education opportunities in Dodge City, KS to help set you up for success after treatment. Our staff members are experienced in helping clients find options for rehab out of state at Icarus, and from across the United States, including Dodge City, Kansas.

Dual Diagnosis Expertise

It is common for people with addictions to experience one or more co-occurring disorders. We can assess for and treat a range of dual-diagnosis conditions or concerns. For example, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, other trauma disorders, and chronic stress. Icarus Behavioral Health treats most-to-all types of addiction, including but not limited to alcohol, heroin, fentanyl, opioid, prescription drug, cocaine, stimulant, and methamphetamine addiction.

Aftercare Planning and Relapse Prevention

As you prepare to exit treatment at our inpatient or outpatient facility, we will help you create an aftercare and relapse prevention plan to help you stay sober long after you leave our drug rehab center in New Mexico. Aftercare and relapse prevention plans are unique to the individual and may include continued medication, outpatient therapy, peer support, education on the stages of relapse and how to notice your warning signs, and more.

To assist relapse prevention, Icarus Behavioral Health has alumni support options to help you stay connected to your support system and what you learned in treatment after drug and alcohol rehab. You can stay connected with us through our alumni support options, no matter where you live after addiction treatment.

Get Effective Detox and Rehab Options – Reach Out Now!

Recovery Resources and Sober Activities in Dodge City, KS

Dodge City, KS has recovery resources that can help people like you or your loved one seeking care stay sober after treatment at a drug rehab center. Similarly, finding sober activities in your area can help you find enjoyment and rebuild your life after treatment.

Support Groups and Continued Therapy in Dodge City, KS

Peer support can be integral after rehab for alcohol or drug abuse. You can find a variety of free support groups in Kansas near Dodge City after treatment. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and non-12-step groups.

Many clients at drug rehab centers across the globe who are able to do so seek continued mental health therapy if needed once they leave drug rehab. Icarus can help you explore ways to find a mental health professional in your area post-treatment.

Indoor and Outdoor Sober Activities in Dodge City, KS

While you’re in treatment at Icarus Behavioral Health, you can benefit from the wealth of sober activities and attractions in New Mexico. After treatment, finding sober activities in Dodge City, KS can help you find continued enjoyment in your new sober life.

Clients returning to Dodge City, KS, after treatment may enjoy indoor sober activities in Kansas, such as art and music classes, fitness classes, bowling, the Boot Hill Museum, or local movie theaters.

Dodge City offers access to a range of outdoor activities that may be beneficial for those in recovery, too. Here are some examples of sober outdoor activities in or near Dodge City, KS:

Walking trails, indoor and outdoor sports, and sober social events can also be helpful for those in the Dodge City, KS, area.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!

Choose Icarus for a Top Dodge City Drug Rehab Alternative

If you’re ready to learn more about how we can help you or your loved one in search of a Dodge City drug rehab center, contact us today. Our admissions line is available 24/7, and we work with a wide range of health insurance plans to make care accessible.

To get in touch, give us a call, and our caring Admissions staff will guide you through getting proven support for recovery at our facilities!

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