Drug Rehab Midland TX

Get Effective Detox and Rehab at Nearby Icarus in NM

Are you dulling your trauma or mental health issues by drinking alcohol or abusing drugs? You know you must confront these issues. But you’ve found few resources when you searched online for “drug rehab Midland TX.” It doesn’t matter if your battle is with prescription drugs, alcohol, or illicit substances – or even a combination. As the saying goes, the struggle is real. Even worse, you may feel ashamed, or perhaps even scared, to get help from a local drug and alcohol facility.

But what if you could get this care a few hours away? Icarus Behavioral Health is in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We are mental health experts who know how closely trauma interlinks with drug and alcohol addiction. With our dual diagnosis care, you’ll face the underlying pain so you can heal the addiction. Indeed, you cannot fully heal one without overcoming the other.

Our rehab center is about a six-hour car ride from Midland. With every mile you make, you get closer to the long-term residential care you need. Read on. You’ll learn more about how our rehab programs can help you or your loved one find the peace you crave!

Having Trouble Finding Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Midland, TX?

The demand for drug and alcohol treatment centers in Midland is not unlike the nationwide crisis. Don’t take our word for it – that comes from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Their 2022 survey reveals that 70.3 Americans ages 12 or older used illicit within the previous year. Furthermore, 48.7 million Americans over age 12 had a substance use disorder.

The problem is so massive that smaller cities, such as Midland, TX, for instance, don’t have the proper number of facilities to outpace the demand. Additionally, not every facility offers the same specialized treatment. For example, many treatment centers are methadone clinics for opioid use disorder. But that’s not helpful to someone who abuses other drugs.

Simply put, most rehab centers in Midland, Texas, and rural outlying areas of Midland County cannot meet the demand. This is why leading out-of-state treatment centers like our programs at nearby Icarus in New Mexico offer such a compelling alternative.

Confidential Drug and Alcohol Addiction Assessment – Call Now!

4 Reasons Why Addiction Treatment Facilities Away From Home Can Be the Best

Finding the best treatment facility is one of the most important steps in getting clean and sober. That’s a highly individual choice that only you can make.

Icarus Behavioral Health welcomes clients from around the Southwest. There are many reasons people leave their hometowns to come to us for substance abuse treatment. Here are a few of the most common “whys” we hear:

1) Drug Rehabs Away From Home Offer Fresh Perspective

Think about how refreshing it is to travel on a vacation to a new place. Everything feels exciting and new. You feel refreshed and appreciative of the new perspective. The same goes for traveling to our drug rehab facility to heal. You find yourself in a new place where you can break old bad habits. The change of scenery signals an emotional reset that can inspire you to do better.

2) Midland Rehab Facilities Don’t Feel as Private

Many arrive to spend time with us because they live in relatively small cities or towns – like Midland, TX. They want to focus on their rehab programs and counseling without fear of stigma. The last thing they want is to learn that someone they know is also in the rehab center.

3) Better Focus on Substance Abuse Treatment

Your everyday life in Midland, Texas, can distract you, especially in the first days of any rehabilitation program. Drug rehab centers close to the people and places that trigger use can stunt your progress. Some clients will have their minds wandering away from treatment programs to think about the negative behaviors that drive them to use. You remove this temptation by traveling to our proven residential treatment programs, located far enough outside Midland, TX to let you focus properly on recovery.

4) Midland, Texas Drug Rehab Centers Are Easier to Leave

Many know they need help, but they fear they will not follow through with completing the program. If you stay home in Midland County for your rehab programs, you’ll find it easier to leave before you have the proper tools for sobriety. The six-hour drive makes it almost unthinkable to walk out the door without a plan.

Meet Quinn, Who Opted for Icarus Instead of Rehab Centers in Midland, TX

Quinn’s struggle with drug abuse and drinking alcohol started in high school. High school football is central to life in Midland, as were the post-game parties for her. While Quinn’s drinking started as Friday night binges, it followed her to college. When her grades suffered, her parents realized the severity. But what her parents didn’t know was that she had also started some drug misuse while away. She thought that Adderall and then stimulant forms of drug use would help her study skills, but that didn’t exactly work out. The substance abuse became stronger than her family could imagine.

She took off the spring semester to try out offerings by Permian Basin Community Centers, hoping to get back on track. However, she found the outpatient rehab centers in Midland were not helping.

Her parents knew Quinn had messed up badly. They knew about the Midland drug crisis but never imagined being caught up in it. They found very few rehab facilities in West Texas – and even fewer addiction treatment centers in Midland, TX. She didn’t want to attend the Springboard Center, and other than that options, finding a rehab in Midland didn’t seem likely.

They Googled information on addiction treatment providers within a reasonable drive. Together, Quinn and her parents drove to the addiction treatment facility – Icarus.

There, she had an individualized treatment program. In drug and alcohol rehab, she learned that she did not need to “party” to impress true friends. After a 60-day program, Quinn came home. She spent the summer focused on self-care and will return to college in the fall. She knows she’s now strong enough to resist the peer pressure.

Get Effective Detox and Rehab Options – Reach Out Now!

Long-Term Residential Treatment at Icarus

When you choose us, you will receive compassionate care at every stage of the recovery journey. Each client has an individualized treatment program to suit their specific needs. But overall, alcohol and drug treatment looks something like this:

Intake and Medical Detox Services

Your stay with us starts with an intake visit with medical staff. Our team members will ask you assessment questions and get a clear picture of your health. You will then undergo a safe and medically supervised detox process. Specially trained clinicians oversee the process, administering prescriptions to help decrease the impacts of detox.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

After you complete detox, you transition into therapies. During this time, your clinician may order medication-assisted treatment (MAT). MAT combines certain medicines to help treat dual-diagnosis clients. It’s remarkably helpful when treating opioid or alcohol addiction.

Counseling for Trauma and Mental Health

More often than not, substance abuse comes from trauma or a mental illness. Some clients don’t even realize they have a diagnosis until they learn the root causes of their addiction.

The key to coping healthily with this? Therapies and counseling. Some of these evidence-based therapies include the following:

These vary according to each client’s needs. But they are at the heart and soul of effective treatment.

Aftercare Planning to Stay Clean and Sober

You will not return home to Midland, TX until we help you form an aftercare plan. We will help you understand your triggers so that you can avoid them. We’ll also help you develop appropriate coping mechanisms.

After Leaving Rehab: 5 Healthy Sober Activities in Midland

When you return to Midland, TX, after leaving an alcohol or drug rehab, you might find yourself wondering what to do next. It’s imperative to find healthy new activities and friends. Focusing on positive experiences can help you stay clean and sober.

1) I-20 Wildlife Preserve & Jenna Welch Nature Study Center

Nothing feels better than getting outdoors for some fresh air and light walking. The I-20 Wildlife Preserve is a beautiful natural area that lets you walk trails amid wildlife and native plants. The sights and sounds can be meditative and calming. Plus, you’ll continue working on physical recovery as you stroll.

2) The Museum of the Southwest

The Museum of the Southwest will help keep your mind occupied as you learn about the culture and history of Midland, TX, and the surrounding communities. It’s perfect for keeping your thoughts on discoveries away from the negative past.

3) Permian Basin Bicycle Association

Think back to childhood and how much fun it was to ride a bike. Guess what…it’s still fun! This cycling group can help you get even fitter and challenge you to take your wellness to a new level.

4) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

These non-denominational, faith-based support groups allow people an opportunity to connect in a community setting. It follows the well-known 12-step format, and members share coping strategies and stories with each other. Find current Midland, TX, AA meetings here and NA meetings here.

Family members impacted by the addiction may find Al-Anon helpful for support. You can find a list of their meetings here.

5) Midland College Is Perfect for Skills Training or Finishing School

Many leave rehab facilities wondering what’s next for their careers. Taking some classes at the local community college is a worthwhile way to spend your time. Maybe you never finished school? They have the resources to get you back on track. They also have workforce programs for upskilling or retraining if you’ve been out of the workforce for a long time.

We Accept Insurance Coverage or Self-Pay Clients

We work with almost all major insurance carriers, whether you have an in- or out-of-state program. All you need to do is to contact our insurance team with your basic information. They’ll go straight to work to help you obtain the maximum coverage.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!

A Lasting Recovery Journey Starts Today at Icarus

If West Texas counseling and treatment centers don’t appeal to you, we can help! Recovering from using drugs and alcohol can start today. We have different alcohol and drug treatment programs that can suit any need, whether you struggle with drug misuse or alcohol abuse.

Let’s connect today. You will be amazed at how quickly you have a sober life. Make the confidential call now and get proven programs for sobriety at Icarus!

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