Finding Recovery Success with Support Meetings in Las Cruces
We believe that recovery is not a journey that you have to take on alone. From a single AA discussion meeting to becoming a leader in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups, your journey can be one where you heal and inspire.
At Icarus Behavioral Health, we help you find the best meetings in terms of NA and AA in Las Cruces, NM. Our goal is to help individuals who struggle with alcohol addiction and drug abuse. Therefore, we have a group of compassionate caregivers, ready to assist you.
From finding the right “downtown group” to speaker meetings and open AA meetings, we are here to locate the best resources that will boost your recovery. With us, you have expert guidance to find your way to lasting sobriety and sustained recovery.
If you would like a firm foundation for recovery in the Steps, talk to an admission specialist at Icarus Behavioral Health and get a confidential consultation today.
What is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)?
Alcoholics Anonymous or AA is a globally recognized program for all people who attempting to get sober or who are recovering from alcohol addiction. It can be open in-person meetings or virtual meet-ups on, like on Zoom or other platforms as is common these days.
Its foundation is a 12-step program that emphasizes several factors, which focus mainly on personal development – and community engagement. When you’re in an AA discussion meeting, the group leaders inform you about:
- Personal responsibility
- Spirituality
- Mutual support
In Las Cruces, you will find these meetings at accessible locations. They take place at community centers and churches, like the Lutheran Church at 2941 Morningstar Drive, for instance.
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What are NA and AA Meetings Las Cruces NM?
When you look up NA meetings and AA meetings in Las Cruces NM, you will find a ton of resources. But you should know that these are global organizations, each with a website that offers a comprehensive directory of meetings across the world:
They work for people struggling with substances to help them overcome addiction. Their primary role is to create a safe space where people like you or your loved one can share their stories. They can relate to others and learn from what we call “collective experiences” here at Icarus Behavioral Health.
This is also where you will find the 12-step program and the chance to get help with privacy. All you have to do is sign up for the type of meetings you want to be a part of – most of them are free.
What Are Different Types of AA Meetings in Las Cruces, NM?
There is the option to go for an online meeting, an open AA meeting, and even in-person individual counseling sessions. To our members here at Icarus, we recommend exploring all the resources to find the best variety that meets your needs.
Open AA Meeting
At an Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting, you will find an open space. This is where you can invite your family members and friends – including other people – who want to support you, or maybe you want to support them. Their main focus is on education and inspiration. Therefore, some also include “speaker meetings” for recovering alcoholics in the group.
Closed Meetings
At closed meetings in Alcoholics Anonymous groups, you can participate only if you identify yourself as a “member”. A closed meeting is a more intimate setting for discussing personal strategies or extremely personal stories and experiences.
Big Book Discussions
Whether in Las Cruces, NM or any other part of New Mexico, such as at AA meetings in Rio Rancho, the Big Book discussions are among the most useful resources for struggling individuals. It gives the participants (i.e., you and others in the meeting) a roadmap toward journey. And more importantly, the meeting also tells you about the history and founding of the AA (and NA) meeting.
Specialized Meetings
There are certain groups like women, men, and LGBTQ+ individuals who prefer more tailored gatherings. To support them, there are specialized meetings available as well. For women-focused meetings, there are discussions on unique challenges, similar to how men’s groups also focus on individual problems to discover personalized solutions.
Online Meetings
If you or your loved ones are unable to find online AA meetings, an online meeting is a convenient option. Using an online meeting, many users connect from around the world to become a part of the groups. Plus, there is also an open AA meeting variety in the “online” category. It is suitable if you have a busy schedule or mobility issues.
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Find AA Meetings Las Cruces, NM
There are countless events in Las Cruces, NM and venues that host AA meetings. They take place throughout the week to make sure they’re accessible to everyone – regardless of their stage of recovery.
- Downtown Group- Las Cruces
- Location: 903 Pinon St, Las Cruces, NM
- Timing: 5:30 PM (Monday to Sunday)
- Beginners Group – Las Cruces
- Location: 334 W Griggs Ave, Las Cruces, NM
- Timing: 7:00 PM (Monday to Tuesday)
- Los Mesilleros/solutions – Las Cruces
- Location: 999 W Amador Ave Suite D, Las Cruces, NM
- Timing: 5:30 PM (Mon, Tue, Thur, Sun)
What Are the Benefits of AA Meetings?
Apart from having access to resources within your city and the chance of sustainable sobriety, there are other benefits of AA meetings as well.
- Community Support
You can connect with members who will share different struggles. Each member brings a new perspective and unique ideas to the discussion to help others.
- Structured Recovery
The 12-step program is a “structured” approach, to say the least. Plus, it provides a clear path to you, so you can maintain sobriety and achieve milestones with a sense of accomplishment.
- Accessibility
While you develop self-awareness and emotional strength by sharing with others, you also enjoy accessibility of such meetings. Take an online meeting, for instance, it’s accessible and highly versatile in terms of schedules.
How Are NA Meetings Different?
The NA meetings in Las Cruces, NM, or NA meetings in Albuquerque for that matter, are very similar to AA meetings. They offer guidance and support for anyone struggling with drugs or alcohol. However, their primary focus is on individuals who are struggling with substance abuse and drug use disorders.
It’s not just alcohol addiction that is common in the US. According to PEW Research, we had around 30 million people with an alcohol use disorder (or AUD). But surprisingly, substance use disorders or SUDs affected nearly 50 million people, according to a report.
Find NA Meetings Las Cruces, NM
- Center For Spiritual Living – Las Cruces
- Location: 575 North Main Street, Las Cruces, NM
- Timing: 12:00 PM (Friday)
- Mesilla Valley Hospital – Las Cruces
- Location: 3751 Del Rey Boulevard, Las Cruces, NM
- Timing: 6:30 PM (Friday)
- Jemez Valley Christian Center – San Ysidro
- Location: 1357 Highway 4, San Ysidro, NM
- Timing: 7:00 PM (Monday)
Sober Activities To Do in Las Cruces, NM
At Icarus Behavioral Health, we found that attending meetings is effective for struggling individuals. It provides you the right emotional and mental space to share stories, experiences with others. Meanwhile, you can adopt a comprehensive approach by engaging in sober activities in Las Cruces, NM for lasting recovery:
- Go to hiking trails – you can check out the Organ Mountains or Dripping Springs Natural Area.
- Local arts and culture – you can visit the local Las Cruces Museum of Art to take part in community events.
- Recreational sports – you can explore beach events and professional sports tournaments.
- Volunteering – you can also find volunteering service opportunities across Las Cruces, NM.
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For a Solid Foundation in AA: Join Hands with Icarus Behavioral Health Today
With the desire to achieve lasting recovery that inspires, Icarus Behavioral Health is going to be your new friend. We believe in an ongoing journey through community engagement and social contributions.
If you are attending AA meetings in Las Cruces, NM for the first time or have struggled to get a sober foundation for the program, we are here to help you expand your support circle and tools.
We offer a path to lasting recovery, a sobriety that not only shapes your life but also inspires those around you. So, walk the challenging road with a supportive group, in a structured environment, at Icarus Behavioral Health.
Call today for a confidential consultation and get support options now.