Love & Relationships

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety Among Professionals and Trauma Survivors

Life can feel out of control when you have high-functioning anxiety or an anxiety disorder with other mental health disorders. You might feel as if you're wearing a mask of calm, with everything appearing to be fine to those around you. But the truth...

Codependency Test and Worksheet

Printable Codependency Test and Worksheet

Get Answers and Support to Overcome Codependency from Icarus

Do people describe you as having a "relationship addiction?" Some who have lived it describe it as dancing to the strums of a tone only you can hear. The music in your mind guides your steps to the tune of another's desires...

Writing a Letter to My Alcoholic Daughter

Writing a Letter to My Alcoholic Daughter

My Own Story and Guidance for Others in the Same Situation

My own personal experience with alcoholism led me to dread the effect it might have on my children. And although my two sons dodged the 'drinking bullet,' alcohol nearly destroyed our daughter's life. Although I knew it on an intellectual level...

Drugs that Cause Skin Picking and Sores

Drugs that Cause Skin Picking and Sores

A Guide to Substance Use and Skin Picking Disorders

Skin picking is an unfortunate side effect that makes the effects of potent drugs more visible. The best way to stop skin-picking disorders is to eliminate drug abuse. However, you may wonder whether your substance use is really the cause. Let's get...

How to Tell Someone You Relapsed

How to Tell Someone You Relapsed

Practical and Personal Advice from a Relapser on What to Do

I can tell you from personal experience: the recovery process ain't easy. As rewarding as sobriety can be, it has its challenges. Substance abuse is an ongoing situation. I've had over a year of clean time up to this point,...

Injustice Trauma

What is Injustice Trauma?

Get an Outline, Answers, and Support Options for PTSD at Icarus

Injustice trauma can take an extreme physical and emotional toll. People in marginalized groups who experience injustice trauma face post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health concerns at a higher rate than the general population. No one deserves to endure...

Am I Asexual or Traumatized

Am I Asexual or Traumatized?

Getting Answers and Support to Overcome Trauma from Icarus

Sexual trauma is, unfortunately, very prevalent. People who have been sexually abused or who have endured another form of sexual trauma and violence may notice a number of different effects, such as problems with intimacy and relationships, mental health concerns, physical health...

Adult Children of Addicts

Adult Children of Addicts: Breaking the Cycle

Understanding the Effects of Parental Substance Use Disorders

Imagine yourself piloting a boat with a compass that always points towards a storm. That doesn't make much sense. But it is often the reality for adult children of addicts. The path laid out by their upbringing brings them many challenges along with...

Choosing Alcohol Over Your Relationship Quotes

Choosing Alcohol Over Your Relationship: Quotes to Inspire Sobriety

Words on Alcohol and Relationships to Motivate Sobriety

Do you live with an alcoholic husband or wife who is choosing alcohol over a healthy relationship? Is your significant other consistently seeking the solace of drinking rather than the rewards of a healthy relationship? You know that your partner is sick. Still, they...

ACEs and Addiction: A Recovery Guide

ACEs and Addiction: A Recovery Guide

Getting Help at Icarus for Childhood Trauma Causing Addiction as an Adult

The burden of traumatic childhood events can linger well into adulthood and often the cause of attempts to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. If you or a loved one have come to this blog, wondering about the connection and perhaps...

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