Author - Liam Roybal

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety Among Professionals and Trauma Survivors

Life can feel out of control when you have high-functioning anxiety or an anxiety disorder with other mental health disorders. You might feel as if you're wearing a mask of calm, with everything appearing to be fine to those around you. But the truth...

Failed a DISA Drug Test

You Failed a DISA Drug Test: What Comes Next

Get Information and Support for Return to Duty at Icarus Today

When a contractor or employee fails a drug test from DISA, there are some serious consequences that result. A failed DISA drug test marks the beginning of a chain of events required to reinstate you in your career and get...

Is Adderall Like Meth or Is Adderall Meth

Is Adderall Meth or is Adderall Like Meth?

A Look at How I Found Out the Hard Way About Stimulant Abuse

Dealing with an Adderall addiction is a life altering situation. Everything revolves around it. Before you know it, you're either at rock bottom or close to it. When I got to Icarus Behavioral Health I was still in...

How to Get Insurance to Pay for Inpatient Rehab

How to Get Insurance to Pay for Inpatient Rehab

Using Health Insurance Coverage for Residential Care at Icarus

Residential inpatient treatment is among the more expensive forms of addiction treatment, but that does not mean that it is inaccessible for you or your loved one. Health insurance coverage can pay for a significant portion, or even all, of your treatment...

Why Do I Keep Relapsing

Why Do I Keep Relapsing?

A Personal Story of Relapse and Recovery

The addiction recovery process is not always easy or fun. In my experience with drug addiction, relapse has unfortunately been a big part of it. I've relapsed multiple times, and each time it happens, I feel like a failure. I've been to multiple recovery...

Addiction Recovery Tools

Addiction Recovery Tools

Choosing Your Recovery Toolbox to Support Staying Clean

Addiction is a lonely and isolating illness that does a good job of convincing you that everything is okay. Nobody believes that they have a problem while they’re experiencing an addiction, including me. It was a battle for my mind that I was...

Nervous Breakdown Test

Nervous Breakdown Test

Informal Diagnosis Methods for Mental Health Crises

A nervous breakdown test is a screening tool that can help you identify serious emotional distress. While they can't diagnose mental health conditions, screening tools can help you identify symptoms that may indicate a need for professional support. If you are struggling, or have a...

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