Eating Disorders

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety Among Professionals and Trauma Survivors

Life can feel out of control when you have high-functioning anxiety or an anxiety disorder with other mental health disorders. You might feel as if you're wearing a mask of calm, with everything appearing to be fine to those around you. But the truth...

Motivational Interviewing - Stages of Changes

Motivational Interviewing: Stages of Changes

A Look at the 5 Stages of Change Achieved in Treatment at Icarus

Are you struggling and looking for new hope? Have you tried to heal your substance abuse disorder to no avail? If more traditional therapies have not brought you long-term success, please don't give up. The next best move...

How Much Does IOP Cost With Insurance

How Much Does IOP Cost With Insurance?

Using Health Benefits to Get Outpatient Services Covered at Icarus

When it comes to dealing with an addiction or mental illness, treatment costs shouldn’t prevent you from getting the help you need. However, a 2011 report found that approximately 37% of people who needed rehab couldn’t afford it,...

Do I Need Residential Eating Disorder Treatment

Do I Need Residential Eating Disorder Treatment?

Get Answers on Seeking Inpatient Rehab for Disordered Eating

"Do I need residential eating disorder treatment?" is a frequently asked question among those with eating disorders. You may not believe that you're "sick enough" to need help, or you may feel intimidated by the thought of attending treatment in a residential...



Understanding Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Symptoms

Living with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) differs from simply being a picky eater. While someone may describe a person's eating habits by saying that they are picky due to ARFID, the condition can come with health complications and significantly impact a person's...

Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults

Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults

Knowing When to Seek Help for Unresolved Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma is a complex and sensitive issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked or ignored, which can exacerbate its damaging consequences. Studies show that the signs of repressed childhood trauma in adults are quite prevalent:...

Long Term Effects of Bulimia

Long Term Effects of Bulimia

What This Eating Disorder Can Do to Your Health Long-Term

Eating disorders are insidious and many people have a hard time putting their finger on the exact moment that they began. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by binging and purging behaviors, but self-induced vomiting can lead to long-term consequences for your health....

Eating Disorder Test

Eating Disorder Test

Getting Answers About Mental Health and Eating Habits

You may be asking yourself, “Do I really need to take a test for an eating disorder”? The answer may well be yes – if you think you might have an eating disorder or are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with one,...

Cocaine Weight Loss

Cocaine Weight Loss

The Risks of Using Cocaine for Appetite Suppression

Most people use cocaine either to get high or to feel normal once they are dependent on it. There are also people who use cocaine to lose weight. Cocaine weight loss is a particularly poor and unhealthy way of losing weight. This article...

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