Alcohol Treatment

A full range of alcohol treatment programs, resources, and helpful guides from Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico!

How to Get Insurance to Pay for Inpatient Rehab

How to Get Insurance to Pay for Inpatient Rehab

Using Health Insurance Coverage for Residential Care at Icarus

Residential inpatient treatment is among the more expensive forms of addiction treatment, but that does not mean that it is inaccessible for you or your loved one. Health insurance coverage can pay for a significant portion, or even all, of your treatment...

Can You Be Homeless in Rehab

Can You Be Homeless in Rehab?

Getting Support for Recovery and Additional Services at Icarus

When you're deep into addiction, you rarely know how to ask for help. As a homeless heroin addict, I had no good people in my life. I was on my way to dying of my addiction, and there wasn't anybody there to...

Can You Force Someone into Rehab in New Mexico

Can You Force Someone into Rehab in New Mexico?

Getting Answers and Support for a Loved One at Icarus

If you have a loved one with a mental health or substance use disorder, you want what’s best for them. You are likely rightfully worried about what will happen if they do not seek appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, many people who need...

Why Do I Keep Relapsing

Why Do I Keep Relapsing?

A Personal Story of Relapse and Recovery

The addiction recovery process is not always easy or fun. In my experience with drug addiction, relapse has unfortunately been a big part of it. I've relapsed multiple times, and each time it happens, I feel like a failure. I've been to multiple recovery...

What is the Turning Point of Recovery

What is the Turning Point of Recovery?

Marking the Milestones in Getting Clean and Sober

Do you - or a friend or loved one - struggle with substance abuse? You might be at rock bottom, often the first turning point of recovery. While you struggle with a substance use disorder that hurts your physical or mental health, you...

Addiction Recovery Tools

Addiction Recovery Tools

Choosing Your Recovery Toolbox to Support Staying Clean

Addiction is a lonely and isolating illness that does a good job of convincing you that everything is okay. Nobody believes that they have a problem while they’re experiencing an addiction, including me. It was a battle for my mind that I was...

Will Rehab Help My Court Case

Will Rehab Help My Court Case?

Seeking Treatment at Icarus to Avoid Jail Time

My struggles with substance abuse led me to a life of criminal behavior and risky decision-making. After many years of drug abuse, I was in and out of jail, and constantly dealing with legal issues. When I was given one last chance to...

Can You Go to Rehab on Probation in New Mexico

Can You Go to Rehab on Probation in New Mexico?

Getting Treatment Options and Support on Probation in New Mexico

I burned every bridge and ruined almost every relationship because of my drug and alcohol addiction. Getting into drug rehab seemed like a foreign concept to me. For the longest time during my addiction, I did not want to get clean....

Signs Your liver is Healing from Alcohol

Signs Your Liver is Healing from Alcohol

Getting Sober and the Path to Hepatic Healing

Among the various concerns related to alcohol intake, and reasons for seeking alcohol rehab, severe liver damage is one of the most serious. Liver function is crucial to a number of important body processes including processing the blood and aiding in digestion. Alcohol...

Psychotherapy for Addiction

Psychotherapy for Addiction

Why Psychotherapy Matters

When it comes to substance use disorders, you need cutting-edge treatments that are proven to work. Medical detox is a great first step, but you will need more than that if you intend to maintain your sobriety long-term. This is why many people turn to robust psychotherapy for...

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