Author - Camila Archuleta

What is Tweaking

What is Tweaking?

Understanding the Meth Subculture and Getting a Loved One Help

To understand meth abuse, one must understand that there are levels of psychosis that drive you to the edge of sanity. When I finally sought treatment at Icarus Behavioral Health, I was tweaking hard following a week-long meth binge. I was...

What Happens if You Leave Court Ordered Rehab

What Happens if You Leave Court Ordered Rehab?

The Consequences of Leaving a Court Mandated Rehab Program

If you are reading this, you probably know that drug and alcohol addiction can put you in some pretty difficult situations. For myself, I tried addiction treatment on several occasions, but nothing seemed to work. It was never the fault of the...

Counseling to Heal From Recreational Drug Abuse shows concept of does methadone cause weight gain

Does Methadone Cause Weight Gain?

Participating In Medication Assisted Treatment While Maintaining a Healthy Weight

There’s one issue that is grossly underaddressed in the recovery industry and certainly lacks a voice of guidance with regard to preventative measures. But spend five minutes conversing with clients at a methadone treatment center, and you’ll quickly find out one...

Dental Grants for Recovering Addicts

Getting Free Dental Grants for Recovering Addicts

Oral Health Support Resources for People in Recovery

Icarus Behavioral Health does not offer dental treatment services, this is a guide for finding such providers and resources across the United States, and we hope you find it helpful. Please do not call our facilities directly for grants, but refer to the resources...

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?

The Timeline for Alcohol Poisoning and the Recovery Process

One of the most dangerous side effects of alcohol consumption is the possibility of alcohol overdose - but you'll rarely hear it discussed in this context. Alcohol overdose, otherwise known as alcohol poisoning, can impact people even when it's their first time-consuming...

Codependency Test and Worksheet

Printable Codependency Test and Worksheet

Get Answers and Support to Overcome Codependency from Icarus

Do people describe you as having a "relationship addiction?" Some who have lived it describe it as dancing to the strums of a tone only you can hear. The music in your mind guides your steps to the tune of another's desires...

Is Skin Picking Self Harm

Is Skin Picking Self Harm?

Get an Understanding of Skin Picking and Support to Quit at Icarus

Is skin-picking self-harm? This question is often presented by family members and loved ones of those who suffer from a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, often accompanied by substance abuse. Skin-picking disorder is a complex, deep-rooted psychological behavior that's defined...

Drugs that Cause Skin Picking and Sores

Drugs that Cause Skin Picking and Sores

A Guide to Substance Use and Skin Picking Disorders

Skin picking is an unfortunate side effect that makes the effects of potent drugs more visible. The best way to stop skin-picking disorders is to eliminate drug abuse. However, you may wonder whether your substance use is really the cause. Let's get...

Benefits of Quitting Weed

The Benefits of Quitting Weed: A Personal Perspective

Reflecting on a Life Better Lived Without Mary Jane

Is your critical thinking process moving at a snail's pace? Have you recently felt your motivation dwindling with a noticeable increase in fatigue? If so, you could be experiencing the haze that comes with habitually smoking marijuana. Regardless of how innocent it seems,...

How to Tell Someone You Relapsed

How to Tell Someone You Relapsed

Practical and Personal Advice from a Relapser on What to Do

I can tell you from personal experience: the recovery process ain't easy. As rewarding as sobriety can be, it has its challenges. Substance abuse is an ongoing situation. I've had over a year of clean time up to this point,...

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