Author - Camila Archuleta

Injustice Trauma

What is Injustice Trauma?

Get an Outline, Answers, and Support Options for PTSD at Icarus

Injustice trauma can take an extreme physical and emotional toll. People in marginalized groups who experience injustice trauma face post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health concerns at a higher rate than the general population. No one deserves to endure...

Am I Asexual or Traumatized

Am I Asexual or Traumatized?

Getting Answers and Support to Overcome Trauma from Icarus

Sexual trauma is, unfortunately, very prevalent. People who have been sexually abused or who have endured another form of sexual trauma and violence may notice a number of different effects, such as problems with intimacy and relationships, mental health concerns, physical health...

Why Do Addicts Relapse When Things Are Good

Why Do Addicts Relapse When Things Are Good?

A Personal Relapse Autopsy Guide for Returning to Recovery

Why do addicts relapse when things are good? There is no single answer that can explain this. Addiction is such a complicated issue and usually involves many different factors. I've relapsed several times as a result of my drug abuse, and really...

Is Complex PTSD a Disability

Is Complex PTSD a Disability?

Get Answers and Support Programs for Complex Trauma

Mental illness, trauma, and disability are debilitating conditions on their own, but if you have complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), you may be dealing with all three at once. Conditions like CPTSD lead to symptoms that make it difficult to function independently, socially, and...

Is Complex PTSD a Disability

Marijuana Psychosis Stories

A Personal Look at Cannabis Induced Psychosis and Getting Help

Harmless. That's what a lot of folks out there want you to believe when it comes to marijuana. If there's one thing I learned at Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico, it's that marijuana isn't the harmless substance that it's cracked...

Adult Children of Addicts

Adult Children of Addicts: Breaking the Cycle

Understanding the Effects of Parental Substance Use Disorders

Imagine yourself piloting a boat with a compass that always points towards a storm. That doesn't make much sense. But it is often the reality for adult children of addicts. The path laid out by their upbringing brings them many challenges along with...

Choosing Alcohol Over Your Relationship Quotes

Choosing Alcohol Over Your Relationship: Quotes to Inspire Sobriety

Words on Alcohol and Relationships to Motivate Sobriety

Do you live with an alcoholic husband or wife who is choosing alcohol over a healthy relationship? Is your significant other consistently seeking the solace of drinking rather than the rewards of a healthy relationship? You know that your partner is sick. Still, they...

ACEs and Addiction: A Recovery Guide

ACEs and Addiction: A Recovery Guide

Getting Help at Icarus for Childhood Trauma Causing Addiction as an Adult

The burden of traumatic childhood events can linger well into adulthood and often the cause of attempts to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. If you or a loved one have come to this blog, wondering about the connection and perhaps...

How Much Does IOP Cost With Insurance

How Much Does IOP Cost With Insurance?

Using Health Benefits to Get Outpatient Services Covered at Icarus

When it comes to dealing with an addiction or mental illness, treatment costs shouldn’t prevent you from getting the help you need. However, a 2011 report found that approximately 37% of people who needed rehab couldn’t afford it,...

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