Mental Health Treatments

Refuge Recovery

Refuge Recovery: Meetings and Philosophy

Looking into a Growing Source of Secular Support for Recovery

One of the biggest things I struggled with during early addiction recovery was the big focus on God during Alcoholics Anonymous. I can respect that belief in a higher power offers some people strength. For me, coming from the lowest point...

Emotional Self-Management in Substance Use Disorders

Effective Emotional Self-Management in Substance Use Disorders

Understanding Emotional Regulation and Addictive Behaviors

If you or a loved one has drug and alcohol dependence, then you have probably had a first-row seat to a fast-paced show, complete with a vast range of intense emotions. You realize from these experiences and interactions that emotional self-management in substance use disorders...

Is PTSD Neurodivergent

Is PTSD Neurodivergent?

Guidance on CPTSD and PTSD on the Neurodivergence Spectrum

Did you know that the United States government estimates that about 12 million American adults, or about 6% of the population, will experience PTSD symptoms within their lifetime? If you or a loved one struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you might...

How to Tell if Adderall is Fake

How to Tell if Adderall is Fake

Recognizing the Differences Between Real vs Counterfeit Adderall

Adderall is a common prescription medication for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. According to recent headlines, ADHD medication demands are on the rise. And unfortunately, there are shortages due to manufacturing issues. In the midst, there is a growing supply of...

Am I Hyper Sexual Because of Trauma

Am I Hyper Sexual Because of Trauma? An Informal Quiz

Get Answers and Guidance on Hypersexuality and Trauma

Rates of sexual assault in the Land of Enchantment are above the national average - and the statistic means New Mexicans are carrying some hefty baggage. Many who engage in risky sexual behavior share one common underlying factor: Past experiences with sexual trauma. It's...

How to Help Someone With PTSD Sleep

How to Help Someone With PTSD Sleep

The Importance of Sleep for Someone With a Trauma Disorder

For those living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), navigating the tasks during a typical day can feel mentally and physically overwhelming. Managing PTSD symptoms like night terrors, anxiety disorders, and difficulty concentrating is a daily struggle. As exhausting as these symptoms are,...

Can PTSD Cause Seizures

Can PTSD Cause Seizures?

The Lesser-known Physical Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Can PTSD cause seizures? If you or a loved one has post-traumatic stress disorder, you have probably seen myriad symptoms appear. You've witnessed panic attacks, flashbacks, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. But now you wonder if PTSD symptoms can also include seizure disorders. Icarus...

An Informal Sexual Trauma Test

An Informal Sexual Trauma Test

Get Answers and Trauma Treatment Options at Icarus in NM

it is a startling but true statistic: an American citizen is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds, according to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse, Incest and National Network. Victims of sexual assault must learn to live despite the traumatizing experience, although all go...

Does the VA Offer Rehab for PTSD

Does the VA Offer Rehab for PTSD?

Getting PTSD Treatment Support from the Veterans Administration

Becoming a United States Armed Forces member is an honorable career move - perhaps one of the bravest that someone entering the workforce can undertake. Unfortunately, this decision also carries certain inherent risks and challenges that may stick with any military member during...

how many veterans with PTSD seek treatment concept pic shows a woman with therapist at Icarus in NM

How Many Veterans With PTSD Seek Treatment?

Getting Reliable Mental Health Care for Veterans with PTSD

Stress and trauma on the battlefield for any warrior is nothing new. In fact, written history dating as early as 400 BC - and even further - rewinding to the Epic of Gilgamesh - chronicles the transition from confident warrior to anxiety-ridden...

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