Stuck Point Examples and a CPT Stuck Point Log

What are Stuck Points in Cognitive Processing Therapy?

Stuck points in cognitive processing therapy (CPT) are unfounded negative beliefs or thoughts that block clients, keeping them from moving forward as they work to heal after traumatic experiences. The thoughts are usually exaggerated and extreme. The feelings that arise from them can be about the self, others, or the whole world, and become ‘stuck points’ when it comes to processing trauma.

Our stuck point examples resource aims to help you (or your loved one struggling with trauma) to see more clearly these areas, write them down with our free downloadable CPT stuck point log, and use them either in treatment with us at Icarus or with your therapist to assist in getting effective support for recovery from trauma.

At Icarus Behavioral Health New Mexico, our programs have used CPT in treating PTSD with great success. We know how tricky it can be for clients to work through stuck points. Many have lived with the negative thinking related to their trauma for so long that they sometimes feel practically impossible to overcome. We are a JCAHO-accredited facility with a deep understanding of using evidence-based methods to treat those who have survived a traumatic event.

Are you ready to challenge yourself to switch from self-blame to more balanced beliefs? If yes, then we encourage you to keep reading to learn about the most common stuck points.

Common Stuck Points in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

Common Stuck Points in PTSD

Here are 10 examples of stuck points expressed by people in trauma treatment:

  1. The world is a dangerous place, and I can never feel safe again.
  2. I can’t trust anyone after what happened to me.
  3. I have no power or control over my own life.
  4. I deserve the depression, anxiety, and distress that I suffer from.
  5. I can’t let anyone get close to me again.
  6. I deserve the guilt of letting something bad happen.
  7. I fear that things will never get better because of me.
  8. The traumatic event was entirely my own fault.
  9. I’m fundamentally flawed because of my traumatic experiences.
  10. I’m unworthy of a sense of safety or healing.

People in PTSD and trauma recovery are sometimes so harmed by the traumatic event that they start to accept these examples as a reality, even though they are patently false beliefs. That’s what can lead to them becoming a stuck point.

Cognitive Processing Therapy and Stuck Point Logs

Cognitive Processing Therapy and Stuck Point Logs

Cognitive Processing Therapy is a cognitive behavioral therapy subtype. It helped people process trauma by challenging and changing negative thinking surrounding a traumatic event. Once they focus on rebalancing their thoughts about their beliefs, they start to enjoy healthier emotions.

Why Stuck Point Logs Are Helpful

In many cases, writing and working through trauma and cognitive processing worksheets and other exercises helps people make sense of the stuck points, which interconnects with their trauma symptoms.

Here are some specific reasons why logging works:

Identify and Challenge Feelings Associated with the Traumatic Event

Logging helps the person tune into the stuck points. Through the process, they focus on their thoughts and emotions, helping to recognize patterns or triggers that contribute to the negative feelings. With that understanding, they can start to challenge the beliefs that they identify.

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Practice Problem-solving to Heal from the Trauma

Writing about the trauma event helps clients identify the specific problems they still struggle with. As they break down their thoughts and jot them down, they start to develop the coping skills they need to move forward after the trauma.

Structure for Talking about PTSD with a Therapist

Logging stuck points provides clients with a structured way to organize their thoughts. They can discuss their beliefs about the trauma more clearly after they have written about their PTSD recovery challenges.

They quickly know what beliefs or thoughts they need to challenge. Plus, the log help them develop a clear way to explain their suck points to the therapist.

Download Our Free Stuck Point Log

Stuck Point Log - Icarus Behavioral Health

Our downloadable stuck point log helps you reduce trauma symptoms by challenging unfair, untrue beliefs. The negativity that comes from this self-talk can lead to anxiety, distress, and ongoing struggles.

We ask you to identify one stuck point per sheet. Then, you will weigh the evidence for and against the beliefs. Imagine yourself prosecuting the case, searching for facts, and not relying on feelings for proof. You’ll end by changing your former harmful belief by rewriting the statement based on the evidence.


‘DeAndre’ had beliefs about the car wreck that claimed his sister’s life. DeAndre was in the vehicle when an intoxicated driver hit them head-on; he and the driver of the vehicle, a close friend, survived the traumatic event.

  • DeAndre’s stuck point: I am to blame for my sister’s death, because I didn’t do enough to protect my sister.
  • DeAndre’s evidence for that belief: I was in the car. That statement is not very compelling evidence, is it?
  • DeAndre’s evidence against that belief: We were both wearing seatbelts; the at-fault driver was drunk and swerved suddenly; my sister was in the seat that took the brunt of the collision, but I was in the back seat.
  • DeAndre’s new belief about the event: My sister died when an intoxicated driver swerved into our lane, hitting us head-on and killing my sister.

The analytical thinking involved in this logging process helped DeAndre work objectively, almost as an observer. Developing this analytical skill has set him free from the guilt of his sister’s death.

The pain and loss may never go away. However, DeAndre is now free of the weight of self-blame.

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Connect with Icarus Now to Challenge Your Stuck Points

If you struggle with PTSD symptoms, it’s time to identify and overcome your stuck points. You’re not at fault for the traumatic event.

Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders – the guilt, anger, and blame – will only lead to exhaustion and poor mental health. Working with an Icarus therapist will help you identify and process your emotions safely and effectively, restoring your sense of safety in the world.

Contact our admissions team today to start your trauma recovery journey.

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