Can Alcohol Abuse Cause Diabetes - Icarus Behavioral Health

Can Alcohol Abuse Cause Diabetes (And How to Reverse It)

Understanding the Relationship Between Alcohol Abuse and Diabetes

The news on alcohol abuse is never good. In every way, alcohol is hard on the body. Here's yet another thing to be worried about with regard to drinking - can alcohol abuse cause diabetes? That's the topic that we'll zoom in on below....

What is the Hardest Drug to Quit

What is the Hardest Drug to Quit?

My Personal Experiences in Quitting and the Toughest Drugs to Leave Behind

Drug and alcohol addiction is a crippling situation no matter who the user is. No matter what the drug, when you suffer from an active addiction, you are at the mercy of the drug. Nothing else matters. So what are...

What is an Aggravated DWI in New Mexico

What is an Aggravated DWI in New Mexico?

Understanding Aggravated DUI and Getting Support in New Mexico

You were caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and now you are facing charges and some serious consequences. Understanding those charges is essential to building a case that can cast reasonable doubt and minimize your sentencing. But what is an...

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?

The Timeline for Alcohol Poisoning and the Recovery Process

One of the most dangerous side effects of alcohol consumption is the possibility of alcohol overdose - but you'll rarely hear it discussed in this context. Alcohol overdose, otherwise known as alcohol poisoning, can impact people even when it's their first time-consuming...

Writing a Letter to My Alcoholic Daughter

Writing a Letter to My Alcoholic Daughter

My Own Story and Guidance for Others in the Same Situation

My own personal experience with alcoholism led me to dread the effect it might have on my children. And although my two sons dodged the 'drinking bullet,' alcohol nearly destroyed our daughter's life. Although I knew it on an intellectual level...

Choosing Alcohol Over Your Relationship Quotes

Choosing Alcohol Over Your Relationship: Quotes to Inspire Sobriety

Words on Alcohol and Relationships to Motivate Sobriety

Do you live with an alcoholic husband or wife who is choosing alcohol over a healthy relationship? Is your significant other consistently seeking the solace of drinking rather than the rewards of a healthy relationship? You know that your partner is sick. Still, they...

Signs Your liver is Healing from Alcohol

Signs Your Liver is Healing from Alcohol

Getting Sober and the Path to Hepatic Healing

Among the various concerns related to alcohol intake, and reasons for seeking alcohol rehab, severe liver damage is one of the most serious. Liver function is crucial to a number of important body processes including processing the blood and aiding in digestion. Alcohol...

What Happens After a 1st Failed Drug Test on Probation

What Happens After a 1st Failed Drug Test on Probation?

Getting Help to Avoid Incarceration for Substance Use

Unfortunately, the reality of substance use is that relapses can happen from time to time. The important thing is that you get back up and keep trying to live your life in recovery. There is a more serious risk if you face a...

AA Meetings Santa Fe

AA Meetings: Santa Fe

AA Meetings and Addiction Treatment in Santa Fe, NM

Drinking alcohol is often a pleasant way to relax and socialize for many people. However, excessive alcohol consumption is detrimental to your health and can negatively affect your loved ones. If you suffer from a substance use disorder (SUD) or alcohol use...

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