Author - Frank Montalvo

What Does Meth Look Like

What Does Meth Look Like?

Resources on Methamphetamine Use and Recovery

Meth is a central nervous system stimulant drug that produces a powerful high. Meth use causes a rapid and irregular heartbeat, and can quickly impact the mental and physical health of users. Sometimes, meth can lead to overdose and even death. Have you found something that...

Phenomenon of Craving

Phenomenon of Craving

Alcohol and Drug Abuse and the Sensation of Craving

What do we know about the phenomenon of craving? This saying goes back decades and is included in a passage from the Alcoholics Anonymous book. How can this passage about the phenomenon of craving and Alcoholics Anonymous be useful today, even for clients...

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Choosing Personalized Treatment for Substance Abuse

There are a wide variety of names used by rehab facilities to characterize their personalized addiction treatment programs since there are just as many ways to treat drug abuse. The ability to tailor care to each client is one of these distinguishing features. What does it...

Baking Soda To Pass Drug Test

Baking Soda To Pass Drug Test: Fact Or Fiction?

A Closer Look At Baking Soda To Fool Drug Tests

People use a variety of methods to attempt to “beat” drug tests. These include but aren't limited to drinking baking soda (also known as sodium bicarbonate). Many ideas used to “beat” or “fool” a drug test are not effective, and some...

Can cocaine kill you? A man chops up lines of coke and does not know the risks involved

Can Cocaine Kill You?

Can Coke Actually Kill?

Cocaine is one of the most popular drugs globally. This dangerous drug is a potent stimulant that is highly addictive and can seriously affect your health. However, the psychostimulant has a reputation as a safe ‘party drug’ in some circles. But can cocaine kill you? You might think...

Signs of Meth Use in Friends and Family

Identifying the Signs of Meth Use in Friends and Family

How Knowing the Signs of Meth Use Can Help Your Loved One

Methamphetamine, or meth, is a stimulant drug – meaning that it lets people stay awake and undertake continuous activities with less need for sleep as it affects the central nervous system. Not only is meth highly addictive, but methamphetamine...

What Does Heroin Look Like

What Does Heroin Look Like?

What Is Heroin?

Heroin is an opioid drug derived from morphine, which is extracted from the pod of opium poppy plants. This drug comes from various poppy plants cultivated in South and Southeast Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. But what does heroin look like? And how can you get help for...

P2P Meth

P2P Meth: The Rise of Super Meth

Methamphetamine use has long been prevalent in the U.S. It has been a significant contributor to the still ongoing drug abuse epidemic in the country. As the opioid epidemic and overdose deaths continue to rise in the U.S. over recent years, methamphetamine or meth has become one of the...

Pink Meth

Pink Meth: The Realities of Strawberry Methamphetamine

Get the Facts Behind Pink Meth

Many people are familiar with methamphetamine or crystal meth, thanks to headlines or the news in general. However, when the AMC show Breaking Bad became widely popular, it also helped bring the problems and dangers surrounding meth into the spotlight. At the same time though, the...

Commonly Abused Benzodiazepines

Commonly Abused Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are classified as Schedule IV drugs by the DEA. This means that they have some potential for abuse and can also be prescribed for medical uses. Benzodiazepines are often used in conjunction with other drugs, specifically alcohol and opioids. In many cases of cocaine addiction, users will also take benzodiazepines...

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