Cannon AFB Rehab Programs

Get Help Convenient to Cannon AFB at Icarus in New Mexico

Many of us hold our nation’s service members in a much higher regard, almost catapulting many of them to superhero status. And while they are tasked with the larger-than-life task of keeping our nation protected, it’s easy to forget that these men and women are humans and face the same challenges as civilians.

At just over three hours away, all Cannon AFB rehab options are accessible for those who live on base, providing the maximum number of options regarding the intensity of care.

If you or someone you love is an active duty service member stationed at Cannon AFB and doesn’t want to contend with seeking out effective NM treatment centers, Icarus Behavioral Health offers a discrete, professional lineup of drug and alcohol recovery options.

Keep reading to find out more about our addiction care facilities and how we can help you contend with your drug or alcohol abuse issues.

Sober Living and Treatment Support for Cannon AFB NM

Support for Cannon AFB NM
When you hold yourself to the highest degree of excellence and performance, you should expect nothing less than an excellent rehabilitation facility so you can return to sober living and perform at the highest level.

Nobody is immune to the challenges of addiction in New Mexico, including those at Cannon AFB. In fact, the case could be made that service members are at a higher risk of developing full-fledged alcoholic or substance abuse issues because of the pressure of work and predisposition to disorders like PTSD and co-occurring disorders.

Unfortunately, many members of Cannon AFB and other military installations have difficulties finding addiction care facilities, or simply don’t take action for fear of tarnishing their record or image. At Icarus Behavioral Health, we offer not only the highest standards of care at our treatment centers but also guarantee nothing less than 100% discretion.

Privacy is Guaranteed at Every Care Level

Our alcohol and drug treatment centers are ideal for those stationed at Cannon AFB for several reasons. First, in just over three hours, the distance makes our facility the perfect option whether you’re exercising the option for inpatient, outpatient, or partial hospitalization.

We Accept Insurance for Service Members and Government Workers

Our exclusive centers help active duty service members daily with minimal out-of-pocket amounts thanks to our in-network status with most military insurance providers. This means you potentially have lower copayments and other out-of-pocket expenses.

How Long Does Rehab Take for Cannon AFB Troops?

There is no concrete amount of time set for those who attend treatment at Icarus Behavioral Health. At the minimum, you can expect a regimen of two days per week for around 2 hours per day.

This is the standard with our outpatient program, meaning you would only have to take the drive twice per week to participate in the alcohol or drug treatment program you need to recover.

If you opt for our inpatient environment, the program spans anywhere between 30, 60, or 90 days. Outpatient treatment is also a possibility, as this would also keep your drive down to potentially two days per week.

Partial hospitalization programs are most likely not a great fit for troops at Canon AFB, as this would require a commute five days per week for 8 hours per day. This would make work out of the question. If you require this level of intensity for healing, opting for a full inpatient stay is likely your best bet.

Ideal Forms of Therapy for Cannon AFB Residents

Your personalized treatment program and assessment results will ultimately dictate the type of therapy we recommend for your treatment. However, we provide multiple options that are ideal for service members and have proven the most effective in the past based on diagnostic criteria.

The following list provides programs that have worked the best in the past for military personnel and veterans, but are by no means concrete, as we remain flexible for our clients:

Dual Diagnosis
The pressure of a military service career often brings plenty of stress and tension, leading to self-medication in many cases. A dual diagnosis is ideal for those suffering from alcohol or substance abuse combined with a mental health disorder.

Both conditions are treated simultaneously, combatting the root of the issue and helping you avoid relapse.

Trauma Informed Care
PTSD is a common challenge among service members for several reasons. Trauma-informed care consists of therapeutic options like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure Therapy, and other comprehensive forms of treatment that help you work through your trauma in a healthier way.

Holistic Care
Our holistic options often provide the type of tranquility you need to eliminate the stress of addiction. Programs like art therapy, yoga, and other holistic practices work on the mind, body, and soul, ensuring a more fulfilling type of healing for long-term impact.

Are You or Someone You Love Struggling With Addictions at Cannon AFB?

Addictions at Cannon AFB
If you or someone close to you is contending with one of many addictions and requires treatment, Icarus Behavioral Health puts you in close proximity to healing. If you have concerns regarding privacy, insurance, or treatment options, call one of our admissions specialists today and we’ll be happy to walk you through our process and put you at ease so you can begin healing immediately.

All calls are confidential, so please reach out for support options today!

Call Now (505) 305-0902