Our Alcohol and Drug Rehab Carlsbad, NM

Get the Help You Need Locally to Beat Addiction at Icarus

Have you been searching for the best drug rehab Carlsbad NM has to offer? It might be necessary to look outside the city itself for the help you need.

Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico is located in Albuquerque but serves clients from throughout the state and beyond. Making the 4+ hour drive from Carlsbad to Albuquerque could prove to be the best choice you ever make.

Our dedicated team of professionals is standing by to lend the care and treatment needed to begin on the path to recovery.

Clients from Carlsbad, NM Are Welcome at Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico

Seeking inpatient drug rehab is the best way to address a substance abuse problem. But it’s not always best to get that treatment close to home.

If you live in Carlsbad NM, consider going somewhere else for your rehab stay. Our facility in Albuquerque would be perfect, as we are close enough to be convenient but far enough away for a fresh start.

Getting drug or alcohol treatment near home can present problems because you are still close to the same triggers that have led to the addiction. This could mean friends or even family members who are a negative influence. It could also be triggers like specific geographical locations that bring up memories and lead you back into old patterns.

Leaving the familiarity of Carlsbad NM could be a difficult but necessary step. Once you have completed a treatment program and are on the road to recovery, you may be able to return while keeping up with ongoing treatments to stay on course. We’ll talk more about those ongoing treatments later on.

Get Effective Detox and Rehab Options at Icarus – Call Now!

The Importance of Professional Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Breaking the pattern of substance abuse on your own is a difficult hill to climb. Getting your life back on track is hard in the best of circumstances, so don’t make it harder by skipping out on professional treatment.

The journey toward recovery typically starts with making it through detox. A medical detox in a treatment facility that is staffed by experienced professionals is much safer and more likely to be successful than an at-home attempt. Once the substance in question is no longer in your body, you can move right into the next level of care, which may be an inpatient drug rehab program. Medical detox is only useful if there is a detailed plan in place for what will happen when that initial process is finished.

Starting recovery at Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico will also help you address all sides of the addiction equation. It’s not just about substance abuse, after all. It’s also about the mental health conditions that may be contributing to the abuse. Healing the whole person is how the stage can be set for long-term recovery back home in Carlsbad NM.

Finding Sober Activities Back Home in Carlsbad

Sober Activities in Carlsbad - Carlsbad Caverns National Park

At some point, you’ll likely return to life in Carlsbad NM. With a new perspective and plenty of treatment behind you, this will be an exciting time to embark on a new life.

But that doesn’t mean all of the danger has passed. The potential for substance abuse is never truly gone, so you need to have a strategy in mind for how you’ll rebuild your life outside of rehab.

Previously, you may have spent a lot of your time in Carlsbad doing things that supported your addiction. Not anymore. Now, you’ll need to find new things to do and see in and around town. Fortunately, Carlsbad NM is a great place to live a sober life, and the options below are just some of what you can do while staying far away from your old habits.

Explore the Natural Beauty

New Mexico is a beautiful state. That beauty is certainly on display in Carlsbad. You don’t even have to get outside the city limits to find great sights, as the Pecos River is always nearby for a beautiful view.

Even more attractions are found just a short drive from the city. Carlsbad Caverns National Park is one of the highlights of the entire state. Guadalupe Mountains National Park is also not to be missed.

Physical activity is always a positive to support mental health and is great for someone in recovery. Pick one of the countless hiking trails in the area and spend plenty of time out in nature appreciating the world around you.

Get Accredited Treatment Programs at Icarus – Call Now!

Check Out the Events Calendar

You might be in a position where you’d like to make new friends and form a supportive community around you. Carlsbad is a great place to do just that. There are annual events in and near the city that focus on cars, history, live music, Christmas, and more.

Get involved with the events and peer support services that are most appealing to you and start to see what life can be through a new lens.

Enjoy Great Food

Who doesn’t love a great meal? New Mexico has a cuisine all its own and some of those flavors can be found at Carlsbad restaurants. You might already have a few favorites in mind, but be sure to explore some new options as you continue reinventing yourself in the rehab process. Red Chimney BBQ, The Hideout, El Charro, and C&T Donut are just a few of the many options worth your time.

Get Help Through Carlsbad AA and NA Meetings

Carlsbad AA and NA Meetings for Drug Rehab Carlsbad, NM

Support groups are a huge part of recovery. The transition back to “normal” life after going through rehab can be difficult and support groups make it just a little bit easier. Regularly attending meetings will put you together with people who have similar experiences and can share their perspectives.

You will have many options for meetings with groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous when you return to Carlsbad. We’ve listed some groups below to help you get started. Be sure to confirm meeting times and places before attending your first meeting to make sure the information below has not changed.

  • Carlsbad Group. Meets at ALANO Club many times throughout the week, including every night at 7:00 pm.
  • Singleness of Purpose. Meets at Sunset Church of Christ in Carlsbad. Meetings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 pm.
  • 12 Squared Group. Meets at Grace Episcopal Church in Carlsbad. The meetings are held Mondays at 7:00 pm.

There are many AA and NA groups that meet in and around Carlsbad and this list is far from exhaustive. Find a group that meets near your location at a time that is convenient for your schedule. Attending meetings regularly and building relationships with those in the meetings can be one of the biggest parts of your recovery.

Recovery is an Ongoing Journey

It’s been said many times that recovery doesn’t have a finish line. That’s not to say that you can’t be successful. You can absolutely stay in recovery for the rest of your life, just as many others have done. It simply means that you can never let your guard down or assume that the risk of addiction has passed.

Aftercare is a critical component of every recovery journey. This can mean continuing to take part in therapy sessions, sober living homes, group meetings (as discussed above), and other treatment options. By staying connected with the tools and resources that helped you get into recovery, it’s more likely that you’ll be able to stay on the course for years ahead.

Insurance May Cover Some or All of Your Treatment

Insurance Covered Alcohol and Drug Rehab Carlsbad

Don’t let concerns about finances stand in your way when seeking substance treatment. You deserve the support needed to beat addiction and enjoy lasting recovery, regardless of the costs.

Insurance is accepted at Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico and it may cover some or all of your care. Call us right away to check on your coverage and find out what the financial picture would look like.

Health insurance covers all different types of drug and alcohol treatment programs. That includes medical detox, intensive inpatient drug rehab, intensive outpatient programs, partial hospitalization, and more. The full continuum of care can be covered but it’s up to you to take the first step and learn more.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!

Turn to the Icarus Team Today to Get Help

Tomorrow is not the right day to seek help for drug and alcohol problems. That day is today. In fact, the time is now. Don’t let another second pass before you pick up the phone to call Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico to learn more about our services.

Inpatient drug rehab, or inpatient treatment for alcohol abuse, can change your life. But the first step is yours to make. Call our admissions team to talk about your situation in life. We are always understanding, caring, and helpful.

Getting out of Carlsbad NM to receive treatment at a professional facility is a great opportunity to take a new path. It’s our honor to serve clients from throughout New Mexico and we hope to welcome you into our facility soon.

Call Now (505) 305-0902