Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction

Benefits of Quitting Weed

The Benefits of Quitting Weed: A Personal Perspective

Reflecting on a Life Better Lived Without Mary Jane

Is your critical thinking process moving at a snail's pace? Have you recently felt your motivation dwindling with a noticeable increase in fatigue? If so, you could be experiencing the haze that comes with habitually smoking marijuana. Regardless of how innocent it seems,...

How to Tell Someone You Relapsed

How to Tell Someone You Relapsed

Practical and Personal Advice from a Relapser on What to Do

I can tell you from personal experience: the recovery process ain't easy. As rewarding as sobriety can be, it has its challenges. Substance abuse is an ongoing situation. I've had over a year of clean time up to this point,...

What to Do if Someone Overdoses

What to Do if Someone Overdoses?

Using Effective Methods to Prevent Drug Overdose

If you have a friend or family member who uses drugs, you have probably wondered at some time or another what to do if someone overdoses. Acting quickly can save a life if you suspect alcohol poisoning, opioid overdose, prescription drug abuse, or other...

Establishing a Sober Support Network

Establishing a Sober Support Network

Cultivating Connections for a Successful and Lasting Recovery

Living with an addiction is a lonely and isolating experience. When I was struggling with substance abuse, I lost contact with a lot of friends and family and even ruined some relationships by choosing drugs over people who cared for me. Rehab showed me...

How Long Does Methadone Stay in Your System

How Long Does Methadone Stay in Your System?

Get Answers on Methadone in Your Body and Programs to Quit at Icarus

If you or someone you love has been hurt by opioid addiction, you know just how important it is to get sober as soon as possible. But quitting heroin, fentanyl, and other opioids isn't just difficult – it...

Adult Children of Addicts

Adult Children of Addicts: Breaking the Cycle

Understanding the Effects of Parental Substance Use Disorders

Imagine yourself piloting a boat with a compass that always points towards a storm. That doesn't make much sense. But it is often the reality for adult children of addicts. The path laid out by their upbringing brings them many challenges along with...

Motivational Interviewing - Stages of Changes

Motivational Interviewing: Stages of Changes

A Look at the 5 Stages of Change Achieved in Treatment at Icarus

Are you struggling and looking for new hope? Have you tried to heal your substance abuse disorder to no avail? If more traditional therapies have not brought you long-term success, please don't give up. The next best move...

ACEs and Addiction: A Recovery Guide

ACEs and Addiction: A Recovery Guide

Getting Help at Icarus for Childhood Trauma Causing Addiction as an Adult

The burden of traumatic childhood events can linger well into adulthood and often the cause of attempts to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. If you or a loved one have come to this blog, wondering about the connection and perhaps...

Can You Force Someone into Rehab in New Mexico

Can You Force Someone into Rehab in New Mexico?

Getting Answers and Support for a Loved One at Icarus

If you have a loved one with a mental health or substance use disorder, you want what’s best for them. You are likely rightfully worried about what will happen if they do not seek appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, many people who need...

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