Does TriWest Cover Drug Rehab?

Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Active Duty Service Members

At the core of this resource is answering the question: does TriWest cover drug rehab and alcohol rehab? Active duty service members suffering from drug and alcohol addictions, mental health disorders, or both simultaneously, need confirmation that their health insurance will provide the coverage they need for a number of different substance abuse treatment programs.

As one of the leading health insurance coverage options for active duty service members, TriWest Healthcare Alliance works closely to provide VA health benefits for clients of Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico.

Do you or a family member receive health insurance through TriWest Healthcare Alliance as part of your health benefits package? This article covers everything you need to know about using TriWest to cover mental health services and drug and alcohol rehab options. And remember you can reach out at any time for confidential assistance from our caring team at Icarus.

Why Does TriWest Cover Drug Rehab If the Military Bars the Use of Narcotics?

 Military Bars the Use of Narcotics
The issue of drug and alcohol addiction among our nation’s veterans is one that our Armed Forces and the Department of Veterans Affairs can no longer ignore. Challenges related to veterans and addiction, homelessness, and suicide have grown exponentially since the early to mid-2000s.

Studies have suggested that as many as 14% of veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq suffer from some form of mental health crisis combined with drug and alcohol addictions – a number which, experts say, has still yet to peak.

Why suddenly now is insurance coverage like TriWest so critical for the Department of Veterans Affairs which is so closely related to military branches that frown upon substance use unrelentingly?

Different War Experiences Lead to More Severe Substance Abuse Challenges

Veterans from the early 2000s and on statistically have much higher rates of PTSD and substance abuse than other eras, marking the drastic need for mental health services – but why?

The answer likely has multiple dynamics, but many experts offer a simple explanation of why addiction treatment and mental health services are imperative for this group. Traditional front-line combat was void in our most recent armed conflicts, leading to higher numbers of ambushes – in turn, leading to PTSD and higher cases of trauma.

In addition, instead of staging in the wilderness, many of the veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan were placed in urban combat situations – making the return home difficult when placed in normal situations like traffic and simple walks through the city.

The Link Between Veteran Substance Use Disorders and Suicide

One of the most alarming statistics – a clear sign of veteran need for drug and alcohol rehab – is the number of suicides among veterans who suffer from addiction. Nearly 60% of past and present service members who contend with a drug or alcohol addiction end up taking their own lives.

Contending with statistics like these led to a greater focus on addiction treatment for veterans and higher quality VA health benefits. Organizations like TriWest Healthcare Alliance continue to enhance their VA community care network partnerships with drug rehab facilities on an in-network basis to provide thorough mental health coverage and addiction treatment for co-occurring disorders.

At Icarus Behavioral Health, a number of different care levels are available, including inpatient, intensive outpatient programs, and others, where the latest addiction treatment methods are available that cater specifically to veterans. If you’re a recipient of TriWest Healthcare Alliance, what types of addiction treatment can you expect during your time in drug rehab?

Breakthroughs In Mental Health and Addiction Treatment for Veterans

TriWest Healthcare Alliance insurance company covers a number of different treatment methods available at Icarus Behavioral. Each client ultimately receives a personalized treatment plan as part of their admission to addiction treatment services.

There is no umbrella or one-size-fits-all form of therapy for veteran-related addiction treatment – but there are options that are typically considered more promising than others. One of the newest leading options is Cognitive Processing Therapy.

Cognitive Processing Therapy

If you’ve spent time in or conducted any research regarding a drug rehab, you’ve probably heard the time Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. As a VA Healthcare provider and TRICARE administrator, TriWest Healthcare Alliance covers therapeutic options like Cognitive Processing Therapy – a form of treatment that caters to cases of dual-diagnosis that have combat-triggered PTSD attached.

What are the benefits of Cognitive Processing Therapy? One of the major advantages is its availability at each level of care TriWest Healthcare Alliance provides coverage for. Whether you opt for:
● Inpatient drug rehab
● Outpatient services
● Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs)
● Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs)

Cognitive Processing Therapy can be deployed from any of these settings. Conducted throughout a 12-week program, lasting between 60 and 90 minutes each.

Clients are given homework sessions that consist of writing assignments, where they’re asked to describe how their trauma has impacted different elements of their lives. In some situations, you might be asked to specifically write about your trauma, as this can be a beneficial step. That said, there are versions available that don’t require writing about your traumatic events.

The primary goal is to lead the client towards more practical ways of thinking about their trauma. After learning how the view the situation in a more realistic light, then the client can decide if their reactions and responses have been warranted based on their new line of thinking.

What other types of therapy are effective for recipients of TriWest Healthcare Alliance?

Each of these situations requires a unique approach to treatment. If you’re suffering from any of the situations mentioned above or believe you have PTSD, maybe you haven’t received adequate care from the Veterans Affairs hospital in your area. Icarus Behavioral Health is a powerful option with the capability to provide the care you need.

Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans seeking help, pay attention to the following sections for the information you need to take advantage of our treatment program.

Written Exposure Therapy

Exposure Therapy
Written Exposure Therapy (WET) is similar to Cognitive Processing Therapy in the way that it requires written assignments, but with slight differences that make it unique. WET is based on the fear extinction model and is often one of the preferred forms of drug and alcohol addiction treatment combined with PTSD because it has a low dropout rate.

It’s been well-received among VA facilities and Veterans Affairs members and is available through TriWest’s addiction treatment coverage. During client healthcare services at Icarus and other in-network facilities that provide WET, you will learn the following:

● Traumatic memories are not dangerous and can be remembered without a negative physical and mental response
● Stress combined with memories of the trauma can be eliminated
● The stress involved with trauma decreases in intensity over time – even without treatment in many cases.
● Even experiencing physiological responses doesn’t have to be negative – increased heart rate and sweating are not dangerous or fatal.
● Intense emotional responses can be tolerated by the average client – you’re more resilient than you think.

The Importance of Dual Diagnosis Coverage by TriWest Healthcare Alliance Insurance

Other healthcare services that involve drug and alcohol addiction treatment are covered by TRICARE through TriWest for veterans suffering from co-occurring disorders.

Ultimately, the most successful form of treatment is the one you’re the most receptive to. In the end, you’ll find that many of these forms of therapy target PTSD as the most effective course of action.

Why is dual diagnosis treatment so critical, and what is the relationship between PTSD and drug abuse for veterans?

Understanding and Treating the Reasons for Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse
There are multiple components of drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Let’s take a look at a few of the most obvious. We have:

● The detox process to help overcome withdrawal symptoms
● The treatment programs themselves (therapeutic modalities)
● Group therapy or family therapy
● Dedicated mental health treatment programs
● Medication assisted treatment options if desired
● Aftercare and additional group therapy (meetings, AA)

Aside from this, one of the more critical elements of not only learning about ourselves but also learning about the mechanisms of substance abuse. This is especially vital when it comes to the complexities of co-occurring disorders in veterans. We need to understand why we use drugs or alcohol, right? We understand PTSD cases are high but why is it so common for TriWest recipients to require not only mental health but substance abuse treatment?

After going through traumatic experiences, and ultimately developing the symptoms that outline the diagnosis criteria for PTSD, you’ve already contended with some pretty serious challenges. These challenges are primarily mental in nature but can have physical aspects too, as anxiety and stress do manifest in the body.

Many veterans are taught not to show weakness, or have an unrealistic sense of emotional endurance. And while mentally, veterans are some of the toughest people in both regards (physically and mentally), nobody is immune from the clutches of mental health disorders.

Knowing When to Exercise TriWest Healthcare Benefits

At some point in time, anyone contending with a serious co-occurring disorder will surrender. You either surrender to the severity of the illness and end up in a worst-case scenario situation – or you surrender to the fact that you need assistance to break the chains of PTSD and substance abuse.

The problem and the promise of recovery both stem from the fact soldiers aren’t taught to surrender. The fighting spirit inside of America’s veterans unfortunately drives them in the opposite direction when it comes to choosing the right healthcare providers.

It’s not easy just to stroll down to one of the local treatment facilities and admit you need help when you’re a hometown hero. Yet, when help is sought, that same drive helps our veterans and active duty clients get amazing results from their time in treatment.

At Icarus Behavioral Health, thanks to our in-network partnership with TRICARE and TriWest, we receive new admissions daily consisting of veterans from all over the country. And we promise, this is one type of surrendering that you can be proud of.

Help Is Just a Few Clicks Away

At Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico, we’re equipped to deploy a number of different therapeutic options for our nation’s veterans. Thanks to our personalized treatment plans, we’re able to develop a regimen that’s completely unique to your situation, giving you an actionable plan that’s customized to help you achieve success.

Regardless of your specific situation, we have several convenient levels of care to accommodate any personal or professional demands, including:

  • Inpatient Treatment Options. If you need more intensive treatment due to severe substance use disorder or a lengthy battle with PTSD or alcoholism – regardless of the specifics, we offer resident stays of 30, 60, 90, and 120 days to help you achieve long-term recovery.
  • Partial Hospitalization Plans. If you require intensive options for therapy but your personal or professional life won’t allow overnight stays – and you’re local to our facility, we offer Monday-Friday PHP plans that deliver 8 hours of comprehensive dual-diagnosis solutions.
  • Outpatient. Sometimes clients need a bridge between other care levels and their ultimate return home. Other times, we just need a little reinforcement before our situation gets out of control. Whatever the situation, outpatient plans are an excellent option for those who need a more modest form of therapy.

Get Rehab Covered Using TriWest at Icarus Today

Don’t put your recovery off for another day. If you have questions about your TriWest Insurance coverage – including copayments, deductible, or any other specifics regarding treatment allowances – or if you’re ready to take the next step in your journey, contact our admission team today at Icarus Behavioral Health.
All calls are confidential, so please reach out for support options now!

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