Dental Grants for Recovering Addicts

Getting Free Dental Grants for Recovering Addicts

Oral Health Support Resources for People in Recovery

Icarus Behavioral Health does not offer dental treatment services, this is a guide for finding such providers and resources across the United States, and we hope you find it helpful. Please do not call our facilities directly for grants, but refer to the resources...

What Percent of Meth Addicts Recover

What Percent of Meth Addicts Recover?

Looking at Statistics and How to Attain Lasting Meth Recovery

When you or a loved one are struggling with meth addiction, you might want to know the statistics that can help offer hope for a successful recovery. So, what percent of meth addicts recover and go on to live healthy and...

Is Skin Picking Self Harm

Is Skin Picking Self Harm?

Get an Understanding of Skin Picking and Support to Quit at Icarus

Is skin-picking self-harm? This question is often presented by family members and loved ones of those who suffer from a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, often accompanied by substance abuse. Skin-picking disorder is a complex, deep-rooted psychological behavior that's defined...

Failed a DISA Drug Test

You Failed a DISA Drug Test: What Comes Next

Get Information and Support for Return to Duty at Icarus Today

When a contractor or employee fails a drug test from DISA, there are some serious consequences that result. A failed DISA drug test marks the beginning of a chain of events required to reinstate you in your career and get...

Drugs that Cause Skin Picking and Sores

Drugs that Cause Skin Picking and Sores

A Guide to Substance Use and Skin Picking Disorders

Skin picking is an unfortunate side effect that makes the effects of potent drugs more visible. The best way to stop skin-picking disorders is to eliminate drug abuse. However, you may wonder whether your substance use is really the cause. Let's get...

Meth Movies

11 Searing Meth Movies: Fulfill the Need for Speed

A Look at the Best Methamphetamine Movies Ever Made

Lights! Camera! Meth! From the big screen to the silver screen, and blockbusters to independent documentaries, methamphetamine has unfortunately carved out a notorious role in American folklore and movie culture. Talented writers and amateur directors from Hollywood to the backwoods have spun...

Is Adderall Like Meth or Is Adderall Meth

Is Adderall Meth or is Adderall Like Meth?

A Look at How I Found Out the Hard Way About Stimulant Abuse

Dealing with an Adderall addiction is a life altering situation. Everything revolves around it. Before you know it, you're either at rock bottom or close to it. When I got to Icarus Behavioral Health I was still in...

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