Author - Frank Montalvo

How to Get Someone to Go to Rehab: A Comprehensive Guide

Tips and Resources to Help an Addicted Loved One Achieve Recovery

Getting a loved one to go to rehab and seek treatment for their substance abuse disorder can be a challenge. They might fear the withdrawal symptoms or judgment from people they don't know at a rehab center. Sometimes, they might...

Does Methadone Get in Your Bones

Does Methadone Get in Your Bones?

Looking at Myths and Realities of Methadone and its Alternatives

You may have heard the myth or even thought it was proven. But is it really a fact: does methadone get in your bones? This is an important question for anyone who is considering using methadone to minimize their withdrawal symptoms. Those...

What Percent of Meth Addicts Recover

What Percent of Meth Addicts Recover?

Looking at Statistics and How to Attain Lasting Meth Recovery

When you or a loved one are struggling with meth addiction, you might want to know the statistics that can help offer hope for a successful recovery. So, what percent of meth addicts recover and go on to live healthy and...

Writing a Letter to My Alcoholic Daughter

Writing a Letter to My Alcoholic Daughter

My Own Story and Guidance for Others in the Same Situation

My own personal experience with alcoholism led me to dread the effect it might have on my children. And although my two sons dodged the 'drinking bullet,' alcohol nearly destroyed our daughter's life. Although I knew it on an intellectual level...

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction: An Example

My Farewell to Addiction Letter and Guidance on Writing Your Own

We all have our own ways of letting addiction go. Addiction wreaks havoc on your personal and professional life and eventually feels like it becomes a part of you. It maybe sounds strange, but one of the most difficult...

Meth Movies

11 Searing Meth Movies: Fulfill the Need for Speed

A Look at the Best Methamphetamine Movies Ever Made

Lights! Camera! Meth! From the big screen to the silver screen, and blockbusters to independent documentaries, methamphetamine has unfortunately carved out a notorious role in American folklore and movie culture. Talented writers and amateur directors from Hollywood to the backwoods have spun...

What to Do if Someone Overdoses

What to Do if Someone Overdoses?

Using Effective Methods to Prevent Drug Overdose

If you have a friend or family member who uses drugs, you have probably wondered at some time or another what to do if someone overdoses. Acting quickly can save a life if you suspect alcohol poisoning, opioid overdose, prescription drug abuse, or other...

Establishing a Sober Support Network

Establishing a Sober Support Network

Cultivating Connections for a Successful and Lasting Recovery

Living with an addiction is a lonely and isolating experience. When I was struggling with substance abuse, I lost contact with a lot of friends and family and even ruined some relationships by choosing drugs over people who cared for me. Rehab showed me...

How Long Does Methadone Stay in Your System

How Long Does Methadone Stay in Your System?

Get Answers on Methadone in Your Body and Programs to Quit at Icarus

If you or someone you love has been hurt by opioid addiction, you know just how important it is to get sober as soon as possible. But quitting heroin, fentanyl, and other opioids isn't just difficult – it...

What is the Blues Drug

What is the Blues Drug?

An Explosion of Counterfeit M30 Percocet Fentanyl Pills

You might have heard the term on the evening news or heard someone talking about blues drugs. You wonder if they are all taking the famous little blue pill intended for gentlemen. But that doesn't quite add up. So then you ask yourself:...

Motivational Interviewing - Stages of Changes

Motivational Interviewing: Stages of Changes

A Look at the 5 Stages of Change Achieved in Treatment at Icarus

Are you struggling and looking for new hope? Have you tried to heal your substance abuse disorder to no avail? If more traditional therapies have not brought you long-term success, please don't give up. The next best move...

What are Quaaludes

What are Quaaludes?

Investigating the History Behind 'Ludes and Lemonheads

What are quaaludes? The term has become famous in both medical circles and pop culture. But they're actually a sedative drug officially called Methaqualone. This drug, which once held a significant place in both the medical field and social scenes, has a rich and...

Can You Be Homeless in Rehab

Can You Be Homeless in Rehab?

Getting Support for Recovery and Additional Services at Icarus

When you're deep into addiction, you rarely know how to ask for help. As a homeless heroin addict, I had no good people in my life. I was on my way to dying of my addiction, and there wasn't anybody there to...

Can You Force Someone into Rehab in New Mexico

Can You Force Someone into Rehab in New Mexico?

Getting Answers and Support for a Loved One at Icarus

If you have a loved one with a mental health or substance use disorder, you want what’s best for them. You are likely rightfully worried about what will happen if they do not seek appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, many people who need...

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