AA Meetings in Albuquerque, NM
Finding Sober Supports in Duke City
Alcoholism is a serious problem that many people face every day. Recovery from alcoholism is possible, but it takes hard work, dedication, and help from others who have been in your shoes before.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a great place to start when trying to get sober. Sometimes, though, AA alone is not enough to help someone with alcohol, such as when medically supervised detox is called for.
AA meetings are a great way to connect with people facing similar problems. They can provide support and understanding and be a great resource for information and advice. AA is not a cure-all for alcoholism or drug addiction, however, treatment facilities like our offerings at Icarus can help you get detox and align you with meetings that are difference-makers for your recovery.
Keep reading to find out more regarding AA meetings in Albuquerque, their locations and times, and when it might make sense to call Icarus Behavioral for help with drinking.
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The Importance of Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
For many people, AA meetings are an essential part of recovery. They provide a safe and supportive sober environment where people can share their experiences and learn from each other.
AA is a self-supporting fellowship of people who share their experiences to help each other recover from alcoholism. As per the AA preamble, “the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.” Their primary purpose is “to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.”
AA meetings can be helpful for people who are struggling with alcoholism because they:
- Provide non-judgmental support from others who know what you’re going through
- Offer a safe space to share experiences and learn from others
- Encourage people to stay motivated in recovery
- Can be a source of information and advice
- Provide regular opportunities to reflect on one’s progress
- Offer a chance to give back and help others who are struggling
Whatever your reason for attending AA meetings, know that you are not alone. Many people attend AA meetings, and you will find that there is a place for you there.
What Types of AA Meetings Are There?
There are many types of AA meetings, so you can find one that best meets your needs. Here are some of the most common types of seminars:
Open Meetings
These meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend, including people struggling with alcoholism or alcohol abuse, their friends and family members, and professionals such as doctors and therapists.
Closed Meetings
These meetings are only for people who are struggling with alcoholism. This allows for a more intimate setting where people can share openly and honestly without feeling like they are being judged.
Speaker Meetings
AA members share their personal stories of recovery in these meetings with the group. They usually speak one at a time and without discussion. This can be a powerful way to hear about other people’s experiences and learn how they stay sober.
Discussion Meetings
These meetings are based on discussion and sharing. Attendees share their thoughts and experiences, and then the group discusses what was shared. This type of meeting can be helpful for people who want to discuss recovery with others in depth.
If you would like a breakdown of potential AA meeting topics, check out our helpful guide to be better prepared!
Step Meetings
These meetings focus on working through the 12 steps of AA. Attendees share their experiences with each step and discuss how they have used the steps to recover from alcoholism. Each meeting usually focuses on one step, although all 12 steps may be covered throughout several meetings.
There are also diverse groups within AA, so you can find one that meets your needs and fits your interests. There are AA meetings for:
- Men only
- Women only
- LGBTQIA+ people
- Young people
- Sign language users
- People of different cultures and religions
- People with disabilities
- People in different stages of recovery
No matter what type of AA meetings you attend, you will be surrounded by people who understand what you are going through and who want to help you recover.
What Can I Expect from AA Meetings?
AA meetings are typically held in church basements, gymnasiums, community centers, or large rooms in public buildings. They are free to attend and usually last for one to two hours.
When you attend an AA meeting, you can expect to:
- Be welcomed by other attendees and made to feel comfortable
- Listen to one or more people share their experiences with alcoholism and recovery
- Have the opportunity to share your own experiences, only if you wish
- Discuss recovery topics with other attendees
- Participate in activities that promote sobriety, such as reading AA literature or attending workshops
- Get support and advice from other attendees
- Find a sponsor (an AA member who will help you through your recovery journey)
It’s important to know that you are not obliged to share anything at an AA meeting. You can simply listen to others share their experiences and take in what they say. AA members are non-judgmental and will wait for you to share when you’re ready. However, AA is not always the right first step if you are physically dependent on alcohol and need detox, or have few other systems of support.
In this case, inpatient rehab treatment can provide an important foundation to help you get the most out of AA.
If you’re struggling with alcoholism and need alcohol rehab in Albuquerque, know that there are people who want to help you and that Icarus Behavioral Health is ready and waiting to welcome you with open arms!
Medical Detox for Alcohol – Same Day Placement Possible!
AA Meetings in Albuquerque: A Few of Our Favorites
Albuquerque, New Mexico, has various AA meetings to choose from. As always, be sure to confirm online when possible to ensure the meeting time and place are still correct.
Here is a list of some of the most popular AA meetings in Albuquerque:
1. Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran Church hosts several AA closed-door and open AA discussions, such as SOS Group, Thursday Night Reset, and Friday Night Smokeless.
- Location: 10000 Spain Rd NE, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
2. Our Lady of the Valley Church
Our Lady of the Valley Church offers an exclusive women-only open AA discussion called Stepsisters. The activity starts at 5:15 and 6 PM.
- Location: 2805 Don Felipe Rd SW, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
3. Nativity Church
Nativity Church offers several in-person and online AA meetings. You can enjoy activities such as the Nativity Sunday Night Step Study, Seeking Serenity AA Meeting, Sponsorship and Growth, Ladies Room @ Nativity, and Nativity Alameda Men’s Stag.
- Location: 9502 4th St NW, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
4. Grace United Methodist Church
Grace United Methodist Church offers the Dawn Patrol, an open AA discussion starting at 6:45 AM every day.
- Location: 420 San Lorenzo Ave NW, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
5. Monte Vista Christian Church
Monte Vista Christian Church offers late-afternoon live AA discussions starting at 12 noon, 6 PM, and 8 PM.
- Location: 3501 Campus Blvd NE, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
6. Asbury United Methodist Church
Like Monte Vista Christian Church, Asbury United Methodist Church holds several live AA meetings, open discussions, and closed-group activities from Monday to Friday.
- Location: 10000 Candelaria Rd NE, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
7. Desert Club
You can also attend various AA events from the Desert Club, in-person or online. They host discussion activities, such as the Early Birds, Rule 62 Group, 6 O’clock Irregulars, Tues Knights, and Men’s Humpday Group.
- Location: 4305 Mesa Grande SE, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair Access: Yes
8. Mesa View Methodist Church
Mesa View Methodist Church provides various in-person and open AA discussions all week long. You can attend activities such as the Key of Willingness, Westside Noon, A Few Simple Rules, Serendipity Group, Back to Basics, and Rebellion Dogs.
- Location: 4701 Montaño Rd NW, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
9. Foothills Group
Interested attendees may join the Foothills Group in-person and online AA sessions. The meeting usually starts at 7 AM every weekday and at noon every weekend.
- Location: 11607 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
10. Isleta Club
Isleta Club hosts several AA discussions, such as the Sunrise Catches, Grupo El Milagro, Isleta Group, and Quit n’ Time. These activities open at 6:15 AM every weekday and at 8 AM every weekend. You may attend activities from Isleta Club in person or online.
- Location: 1829 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque
- Wheelchair access: Yes
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You Are Not Alone: Help for Alcohol is Here
It’s important to know that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you on your journey to recovery, including AA. If you think that AA is insufficient to help you with your sobriety, consider seeking other resources, such as our offerings at Icarus Behavioral Health.
Icarus Behavioral Health offers various services, including individual therapy, group therapy, and medication-assisted treatment. Our goal is to provide the resources you need to recover from alcoholism and live a sober, healthy life.
No matter what path you choose, know that there is help available and that you are not alone in this fight. Contact Icarus Behavioral Health today if you or someone you know is looking for alcohol intervention, medical detox services, and inpatient or outpatient support services. We are here, for your recovery.