What Happens if You Leave Court Ordered Rehab

What Happens if You Leave Court Ordered Rehab?

The Consequences of Leaving a Court Mandated Rehab Program

If you are reading this, you probably know that drug and alcohol addiction can put you in some pretty difficult situations. For myself, I tried addiction treatment on several occasions, but nothing seemed to work. It was never the fault of the treatment program, it was my lack of trying. Letting go of substance abuse is one of the most difficult things one can do.

It wasn’t until I was given court-ordered rehab that I began to take my problem seriously. I knew that I was at a turning point in my drug abuse, and my actions would have a huge effect on the rest of my life. Unlike traditional rehab, you can’t leave court-ordered rehab without serious consequences, including jail time or heavy fines.

Keep reading to get a better understanding of what happens if you leave court ordered rehab from my own experiences.

Being Faced With Court Mandated Treatment

Court Mandated Treatment

When I was given court-ordered rehab, I was terrified. Would this treatment program work? Would I be able to focus my energy on finally accepting treatment? I was able to weave my way through addiction with little consequences, and now I was faced with a serious ultimatum.

I ended up at Icarus Behavioral Health in New Mexico as part of my court-ordered treatment. I didn’t know what to expect. I had several years of prison time hanging over me, so I tried to give it my all. I couldn’t have found a better treatment center than Icarus. As I began the process, I slowly realized that I could make it through this, especially with such a kind and caring staff.

Drug-related crime often leads addicts to this point. Many addicts try rehab and fail, and as a result, end up in jail or prison. I was determined to not let that happen to me. If you or someone you love finds yourself facing court-ordered rehab, continue reading to find out how to make substance abuse treatment work for you.

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When Court Ordered Treatment Is The Last Option

I haven’t met too many addicts who were able to avoid a life of crime as a result of their substance abuse. If you look at the entire prison population in this country, a very large portion of those people got there because of alcohol and drug abuse.

When drinking or drugs become the most important aspect of your life, and the only thing that matters, you will do anything to keep your addiction going.

I was in college when my drug abuse got out of control. I began selling drugs in order to have a source of income and be able to use drugs whenever I needed to. Many addicts end up selling drugs as a way to support themselves and their addiction. Not many addicts are successful at dealing drugs, certainly not for the long haul anyway.

From Substance Abuse To Crime

I didn’t end up doing so great as a drug dealer, because I was constantly getting high on my own supply. This is the situation many people find themselves in. In order to continue my drug abuse, I fell into petty theft. My drug related criminal behavior started out small.

I would steal copper pipes and junk metal from abandoned buildings so that I could fund my addiction. It wasn’t long before I upped the ante.

I began burglarizing houses and pawning the items I stole. Over the next several years, I tallied up multiple arrests and jail stints. As my criminal record grew, the consequences became more severe. I was given probation on multiple occasions, but it never worked. As part of my probation, I would be required to attend group counseling. I went a few times but then stopped going.

Court Ordered Addiction Treatment As A Final Option

Court Ordered Addiction Treatment

In the criminal justice system, one form of alternative sentencing is court-ordered rehab. Once you’ve been in the system for long enough and nothing else seems to work, judges will often resort to court-ordered treatment as a means to try and get people on the right track.

For a lot of addicts, the decision to seek help or not is often taken out of their hands. There’s only so much jail time and probation a judge can hand you.

Unfortunately, being sent to a rehab facility doesn’t always work. Addiction is an all-consuming situation. A lot of people get used to being incarcerated, and the idea of jail or prison isn’t as scary to them. I’ve met a lot of people in jail who were actually afraid to be released. If you’ve been in jail or prison your whole life, it becomes your normal. A lot of criminals and addicts don’t know how to adjust on the outside.

I’ve seen more than one person choose to stay in jail rather than complete treatment at a court-ordered drug rehab program. If this isn’t evidence of institutionalization (and insanity) I don’t know what is!

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Will a Court Ordered Rehab Sentence Do The Trick?

My life of drugs and crime led me to a crossroads. I had been arrested enough times that I got pretty familiar with all the police officers and judges in my town. As I got in trouble more and more, they became less and less surprised to see me. As I fell further and further into the court system, there were few options left.

How much more probation could I be given? How much more could the judge believe me when I said I would do better? They’d heard it over and over. After all the failed drug tests and chances I was given, my last arrest was the final straw. The judge was sick of seeing me over and over again. I was given two options. Two years in jail or court-mandated rehab.

When Substance Use Disorders Take Everything Away

The threat of immediate incarceration finally led me to a change of heart. You can only go through adult drug courts for so long before they give you one last chance. I knew that if I had to do two years in jail, I would probably never get clean.

The further you go into the criminal justice system, the harder it is to get out. It’s also not that difficult to continue your addiction while locked up. Jails and prisons are full of drugs.

My drug addiction took everything from me. It took my peace of mind, my health, my freedom, my family, and the list goes on and on. I finally realized that there was nothing left but the drugs, which would eventually kill me.

I figured I had no other choice but to give drug rehabilitation a chance. I gave it many chances before, but this time I was willing to put in the work required at rehab programs.

When You’re Sick and Tired Of Being Sick And Tired

Sick And Tired

This is a term you will hear a lot in the world of recovery. Getting “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” Some addicts don’t get to that point, but when I arrived at Icarus Behavioral Health, I was exhausted in every aspect. Mentally, physically, spiritually – I was cooked.

After all my jail stints, probation meetings, failed drug tests, and dope sickness, I was finally done with it all.

When you reach this point, it is a defining moment. I believe that addicts must hit rock bottom before getting better. I hit mine, and all I could do was go up from there. My addiction had severe consequences on my body and mind, and I was finally ready to give it up. I jumped into substance use disorder treatment head first and gave it my all.

Court Ordered Rehab Works… If You Want It To

I desperately wanted my substance abuse treatment to work. I did everything I had to do to avoid going to jail for a prolonged period of time. However, it was more than just jail that I was avoiding. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to live a life of crime anymore. I finally began to see light at the end of the tunnel, and my time at Icarus inspired hope. Hope that I never had before.

I successfully completed treatment and avoided going back to jail. I still had a hefty amount of probation time left, but because of what I learned from my treatment team at Icarus, I was able to pass every drug test, and eventually, I got off probation. These days, I no longer grapple with the legal consequences of my drug addiction.

Developing Coping Mechanisms And Relapse Prevention

Developing Coping Mechanisms

I don’t like to say my addiction is behind me, because I still actively fight it. The difference now is I have a better head on my shoulders and the tools to avoid falling back into my old ways. My health is everything to me.

I work out regularly. I take care of myself, and I engage in hobbies and recreational activities. I stick to a routine, and I avoid situations that may trigger me.

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Reaching Out to Icarus for Real Recovery Support

Icarus Behavioral Health taught me the life skills that I need to continue on a sober path and my ‘treatment’ is ongoing to this day. I go to meetings and I speak openly about my struggles with others. Not every day is perfect, but that’s not how life is.

I struggle sometimes, and I have urges once in a great while. The difference now is that I know how to deal with those urges and not succumb to them.

If you find yourself faced with court-ordered rehab, it’s actually a good thing. You’ve been given one last chance. Not many addicts get that. Accepting help is the best decision you’ll ever make, and if you end up in a place like Icarus Behavioral Health, you will be in good hands.

Whether you or your loved one are court ordered, or simply want support to get clean, give them a call to get help, I know its a call that became a foundation for a new life in my case. It can for you too.

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