how many veterans with PTSD seek treatment concept pic shows a woman with therapist at Icarus in NM

How Many Veterans With PTSD Seek Treatment?

Getting Reliable Mental Health Care for Veterans with PTSD

Stress and trauma on the battlefield for any warrior is nothing new. In fact, written history dating as early as 400 BC - and even further - rewinding to the Epic of Gilgamesh - chronicles the transition from confident warrior to anxiety-ridden...

Counseling to Heal From Recreational Drug Abuse shows concept of does methadone cause weight gain

Does Methadone Cause Weight Gain?

Participating In Medication Assisted Treatment While Maintaining a Healthy Weight

There’s one issue that is grossly underaddressed in the recovery industry and certainly lacks a voice of guidance with regard to preventative measures. But spend five minutes conversing with clients at a methadone treatment center, and you’ll quickly find out one...


How to Get Someone to Go to Rehab: A Comprehensive Guide

Tips and Resources to Help an Addicted Loved One Achieve Recovery

Getting a loved one to go to rehab and seek treatment for their substance abuse disorder can be a challenge. They might fear the withdrawal symptoms or judgment from people they don't know at a rehab center. Sometimes, they might...

Dental Grants for Recovering Addicts

Getting Free Dental Grants for Recovering Addicts

Oral Health Support Resources for People in Recovery

Icarus Behavioral Health does not offer dental treatment services, this is a guide for finding such providers and resources across the United States, and we hope you find it helpful. Please do not call our facilities directly for grants, but refer to the resources...

Does Methadone Get in Your Bones

Does Methadone Get in Your Bones?

Looking at Myths and Realities of Methadone and its Alternatives

You may have heard the myth or even thought it was proven. But is it really a fact: does methadone get in your bones? This is an important question for anyone who is considering using methadone to minimize their withdrawal symptoms. Those...

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?

The Timeline for Alcohol Poisoning and the Recovery Process

One of the most dangerous side effects of alcohol consumption is the possibility of alcohol overdose - but you'll rarely hear it discussed in this context. Alcohol overdose, otherwise known as alcohol poisoning, can impact people even when it's their first time-consuming...

What Percent of Meth Addicts Recover

What Percent of Meth Addicts Recover?

Looking at Statistics and How to Attain Lasting Meth Recovery

When you or a loved one are struggling with meth addiction, you might want to know the statistics that can help offer hope for a successful recovery. So, what percent of meth addicts recover and go on to live healthy and...

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

7 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety Among Professionals and Trauma Survivors

Life can feel out of control when you have high-functioning anxiety or an anxiety disorder with other mental health disorders. You might feel as if you're wearing a mask of calm, with everything appearing to be fine to those around you. But the truth...

Codependency Test and Worksheet

Printable Codependency Test and Worksheet

Get Answers and Support to Overcome Codependency from Icarus

Do people describe you as having a "relationship addiction?" Some who have lived it describe it as dancing to the strums of a tone only you can hear. The music in your mind guides your steps to the tune of another's desires...

Is Skin Picking Self Harm

Is Skin Picking Self Harm?

Get an Understanding of Skin Picking and Support to Quit at Icarus

Is skin-picking self-harm? This question is often presented by family members and loved ones of those who suffer from a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, often accompanied by substance abuse. Skin-picking disorder is a complex, deep-rooted psychological behavior that's defined...

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