
Why Do I Keep Relapsing

Why Do I Keep Relapsing?

A Personal Story of Relapse and Recovery

The addiction recovery process is not always easy or fun. In my experience with drug addiction, relapse has unfortunately been a big part of it. I've relapsed multiple times, and each time it happens, I feel like a failure. I've been to multiple recovery...

Addiction Recovery Tools

Addiction Recovery Tools

Choosing Your Recovery Toolbox to Support Staying Clean

Addiction is a lonely and isolating illness that does a good job of convincing you that everything is okay. Nobody believes that they have a problem while they’re experiencing an addiction, including me. It was a battle for my mind that I was...

Trauma Response Quiz

Trauma Response Quiz

Understanding Responses to Trauma and Treatment Options

Icarus Behavioral Health is a trusted partner in navigating the complex mental health and recovery journey. We understand that life can sometimes feel jarring. Imagine taking a peaceful nap. Your sweet slumber is soon interrupted abruptly by a lightning bolt and a thunder crack. Trauma,...

Signs Your liver is Healing from Alcohol

Signs Your Liver is Healing from Alcohol

Getting Sober and the Path to Hepatic Healing

Among the various concerns related to alcohol intake, and reasons for seeking alcohol rehab, severe liver damage is one of the most serious. Liver function is crucial to a number of important body processes including processing the blood and aiding in digestion. Alcohol...

Gaslighting Childhood Trauma

Gaslighting Childhood Trauma

The Lingering Effects of Being Gaslit as a Child

Having a parent gaslight you as a child can cause long-term trauma. You may have difficulty questioning your own judgment, have self-confidence issues, and may struggle with relationships with other people. Keep reading to find out what a gaslighting parent looks like,...

Long Term Effects of Bulimia

Long Term Effects of Bulimia

What This Eating Disorder Can Do to Your Health Long-Term

Eating disorders are insidious and many people have a hard time putting their finger on the exact moment that they began. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by binging and purging behaviors, but self-induced vomiting can lead to long-term consequences for your health....

Meth Relapse

Meth Relapse

What a Relapse Is, How to Prevent it, and Next Steps to Take

Are you part of the 2.5 million people who reported using methamphetamine in the last twelve months? Meth addiction is more common than many people realize -- and so is meth relapse. When you enter into substance...



Differences Between PTSD and C PTSD

Many people have some understanding of PTSD, but not so many know what CPTSD is. In this article, we look at exactly what both of these mental issues are, and why the treatment of Complex PTSD is increasingly sought after across the United States. If...

Phenomenon of Craving

Phenomenon of Craving

Alcohol and Drug Abuse and the Sensation of Craving

What do we know about the phenomenon of craving? This saying goes back decades and is included in a passage from the Alcoholics Anonymous book. How can this passage about the phenomenon of craving and Alcoholics Anonymous be useful today, even for clients...

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Choosing Personalized Treatment for Substance Abuse

There are a wide variety of names used by rehab facilities to characterize their personalized addiction treatment programs since there are just as many ways to treat drug abuse. The ability to tailor care to each client is one of these distinguishing features. What does it...

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