
Phenomenon of Craving

Phenomenon of Craving

Alcohol and Drug Abuse and the Sensation of Craving

What do we know about the phenomenon of craving? This saying goes back decades and is included in a passage from the Alcoholics Anonymous book. How can this passage about the phenomenon of craving and Alcoholics Anonymous be useful today, even for clients...

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Choosing Personalized Treatment for Substance Abuse

There are a wide variety of names used by rehab facilities to characterize their personalized addiction treatment programs since there are just as many ways to treat drug abuse. The ability to tailor care to each client is one of these distinguishing features. What does it...

AA Meetings Santa Fe

AA Meetings: Santa Fe

AA Meetings and Addiction Treatment in Santa Fe, NM

Drinking alcohol is often a pleasant way to relax and socialize for many people. However, excessive alcohol consumption is detrimental to your health and can negatively affect your loved ones. If you suffer from a substance use disorder (SUD) or alcohol use...

Why is Heroin so Addictive

Why is Heroin so Addictive?

Exploring the Roots of Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction is an intense form of drug abuse. It's difficult to overcome drug addiction, but a drug like heroin requires a unique struggle. Opiate addiction is physical and mental. It's all-consuming. If you don't have the drug for an extended period of time, the...

Can cocaine kill you? A man chops up lines of coke and does not know the risks involved

Can Cocaine Kill You?

Can Coke Actually Kill?

Cocaine is one of the most popular drugs globally. This dangerous drug is a potent stimulant that is highly addictive and can seriously affect your health. However, the psychostimulant has a reputation as a safe ‘party drug’ in some circles. But can cocaine kill you? You might think...

Substance Abuse and Social Isolation

Substance Abuse and Social Isolation

How Substance Use Can Lead to Loneliness

Are you tired of feeling lonely as a result of your drug or alcohol use? Unfortunately, substance abuse and social isolation go hand-in-hand. In turn, this can spur more negative feelings. Both can lead to a lack of a support system that could otherwise prevent...

Why Does My Face Get Red When I Drink

Why Does My Face Get Red When I Drink?

A Telltale Sign of Drinking and How to Prevent It

Many people experience facial flushing when they consume a drink or two. The more alcohol you consume, the more likely you are to notice rosy cheeks in the mirror. There is actually a scientific basis for this common condition, and it...

How Long Does Crack Stay in Your System

How Long Does Crack Stay in Your System?

Wondering About Crack for a Drug Test?

Have you indulged in a bit of crack smoking recently? Are you worried about dirty urine for your PO, or that job interview you have lined up? Crack cocaine can be a dangerous drug, but you can come back from the edge of addiction. Keep...

Alcoholic Quiz - An alcoholic pours the dark golden rum in glass

Am I an Alcoholic Quiz

Excessive Alcohol Use is Harmful to Your Health

According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, approximately 95,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually in the United States. About 14 million American adults over 18 years are diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD) every year, based...

What Does Heroin Look Like

What Does Heroin Look Like?

What Is Heroin?

Heroin is an opioid drug derived from morphine, which is extracted from the pod of opium poppy plants. This drug comes from various poppy plants cultivated in South and Southeast Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. But what does heroin look like? And how can you get help for...

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