Stimulant Treatment

What is Tina

What is Tina?

Crystal Meth Slang: What is Tina?

The drug “Tina” is a slang term used to refer to crystal meth. It is believed to have been coined by the LGBTQ+ community, and is short for “Christina,” or crystal meth. Stimulants like ‘the Tina drug’ still have consistent popularity among gay men and...

Can You Snort Meth

Can You Snort Meth?

Get Answers and Treatment Resources for Crystal Meth Now

Methamphetamine addiction is a serious issue that affects many individuals across the globe each year. Quitting methamphetamine use can be a difficult process due to its powerful addictive properties but it is possible with dedication and support from family and friends as...

Meth Relapse

Meth Relapse

What a Relapse Is, How to Prevent it, and Next Steps to Take

Are you part of the 2.5 million people who reported using methamphetamine in the last twelve months? Meth addiction is more common than many people realize -- and so is meth relapse. When you enter into substance...

Cocaine Weight Loss

Cocaine Weight Loss

The Risks of Using Cocaine for Appetite Suppression

Most people use cocaine either to get high or to feel normal once they are dependent on it. There are also people who use cocaine to lose weight. Cocaine weight loss is a particularly poor and unhealthy way of losing weight. This article...

What Does Meth Look Like

What Does Meth Look Like?

Resources on Methamphetamine Use and Recovery

Meth is a central nervous system stimulant drug that produces a powerful high. Meth use causes a rapid and irregular heartbeat, and can quickly impact the mental and physical health of users. Sometimes, meth can lead to overdose and even death. Have you found something that...

Overdose on Meth

Can You Overdose on Meth?

Meth Overdose: Warning Signs and Recovery Methods

Exactly what is Crystal Meth, and why is it such a powerful drug, quietly wreaking so much havoc in the shadow of the opioid epidemic? Crystal meth is a neurotoxin that stays in the brain longer and causes severe harm, despite its similarities to meth,...

Can cocaine kill you? A man chops up lines of coke and does not know the risks involved

Can Cocaine Kill You?

Can Coke Actually Kill?

Cocaine is one of the most popular drugs globally. This dangerous drug is a potent stimulant that is highly addictive and can seriously affect your health. However, the psychostimulant has a reputation as a safe ‘party drug’ in some circles. But can cocaine kill you? You might think...

Signs of Meth Use in Friends and Family

Identifying the Signs of Meth Use in Friends and Family

How Knowing the Signs of Meth Use Can Help Your Loved One

Methamphetamine, or meth, is a stimulant drug – meaning that it lets people stay awake and undertake continuous activities with less need for sleep as it affects the central nervous system. Not only is meth highly addictive, but methamphetamine...

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