How to Recover from Emotional Trauma

How to Recover from Emotional Trauma

Seeking Treatment to Overcome Emotionally Based Trauma

Have you experienced trauma? These events can be the most difficult that a person goes through, and recovering from them can take time. The first step in emotional trauma recovery is knowing what the roadmap to your trauma recovery looks like. Read on to...

How Long Does Fentanyl Stay in Your System

How Long Does Fentanyl Stay in Your System?

A Timeline for Fentanyl Detox, Withdrawal, and Recovery

Like a home cluttered with the remnants of a long, harsh winter, your life may feel overwhelmed by the chaos of fentanyl addiction and with worries of how long does fentanyl stay in your system. But as we welcome the rejuvenating spirit of...

Signs Your liver is Healing from Alcohol

Signs Your Liver is Healing from Alcohol

Getting Sober and the Path to Hepatic Healing

Among the various concerns related to alcohol intake, and reasons for seeking alcohol rehab, severe liver damage is one of the most serious. Liver function is crucial to a number of important body processes including processing the blood and aiding in digestion. Alcohol...

Books About Grief

Books About Grief: Six Worthy Choices

Our Top Reading Materials for the Grieving Process

Grief is something that affects us all at some point. No matter how prepared we are for it, it can come as a crushing blow. While the death of a loved one will always be difficult, there are ways that we can come...

Hip-Hop Rapper Coolio

Coolio Overdose: The Real Story

From Gangsta’s Paradise to a Tragic Death

On September 28, 2022, the hip-hop rapper Coolio died from an accidental drug overdose. He was found dead at his friend’s home in Los Angeles, a city well-known for its history of drug and alcohol abuse. As a gifted artist, Artis Leon Ivey Jr. produced...

Trauma Informed Care

What are the 5 Principles of Trauma Informed Care?

The Foundation for Effective Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Do you know what the 5 principles of trauma informed care are? In this article, we explore all of the aspects of trauma informed care. By the end of this article, you'll have a good understanding of what are the 5 principles...

What is PTS

What is PTS?

Understanding Post Traumatic Stress (PTS)

Even if you haven't personally experienced trauma, you've probably heard of the mental health condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, you may not know that post-traumatic stress (PTS) is a different form of this mental illness. So, what is PTS? PTS is a normal reaction...

Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults

Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults

Knowing When to Seek Help for Unresolved Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma is a complex and sensitive issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked or ignored, which can exacerbate its damaging consequences. Studies show that the signs of repressed childhood trauma in adults are quite prevalent:...

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