AA Meetings in Albuquerque, NM
Finding Sober Supports in Duke City
Alcoholism is a serious problem that many people face every day. Recovery from alcoholism is possible, but it takes hard work, dedication, and help from others who have been in your shoes before. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a great place to start when trying to...
P2P Meth: The Rise of Super Meth
Methamphetamine use has long been prevalent in the U.S. It has been a significant contributor to the still ongoing drug abuse epidemic in the country. As the opioid epidemic and overdose deaths continue to rise in the U.S. over recent years, methamphetamine or meth has become one of the...
Pink Meth: The Realities of Strawberry Methamphetamine
Get the Facts Behind Pink Meth
Many people are familiar with methamphetamine or crystal meth, thanks to headlines or the news in general. However, when the AMC show Breaking Bad became widely popular, it also helped bring the problems and dangers surrounding meth into the spotlight. At the same time though, the...
EtG Test: What It Is and How It Works
Get Answers on EtG Tests and Alcohol Treatment Options at Icarus
EtG tests are one of the most common ways to verify recent alcohol consumption, but not a lot of people know what it is or how it works. There are various tests that medical professionals and government officials use to determine...
Does Obamacare Cover Rehab?
As vital as rehab is to the recovery of those struggling with addiction, it unfortunately faces the same stigma as everything surrounding substance abuse and mental health. It can be difficult to seek help for paying for addiction treatment services, or even to find the right places to ask questions like...
Senate Bill 317 New Mexico