What is Speedballing?
I never thought I’d be in a position to try cocaine. I was always the straight edge kid, straight A student, church goer, and someone who had even preached against drinking from time to time. That wasn’t enough to put me in the wrong place at the wrong time. My...
Meth Comedown
What Is A Meth Comedown
When I first began using meth in high school, I was unaware of how it would negatively affect my future. I had experimented with many drugs in my younger years, but nothing threw me off like methamphetamine. My struggle with meth caused me and my family...The Roots of Meth Psychosis
Pick a drug that people abuse, and the chances are high that some lasting form of emotional scar is attached to that abuse. It doesn’t matter what the individuals’ drug of choice is; all substance abuse cases take a mental toll on the user. Sometimes it’s short-term memory loss – at...
What Are the Most Dangerous Drugs?
I started using drugs in high school and by the time I graduated college, I had used pretty much every drug that I knew existed. When I arrived at Icarus Behavioral Health for treatment, it was hard to imagine my life without drugs. Now that I am...