The Risks of Overdose from Cocaine

Although not as prevalent as overdoses on opioids such as heroin or fentanyl, the possibility of overdosing on cocaine is very real and the cocaine overdose symptoms vary from case to case

In regards to cocaine overdose symptoms, according to a paper on the National Library of Medicine website, “Patients with acute cocaine toxicity may require urgent treatment for tachycardia, dysrhythmia, hypertension, and coronary vasospasm in order to prevent pathological sequelae such as acute coronary syndrome, stroke, and death.”

This means that acute cocaine overdoses may lead to many different health issues that can have lethal consequences. Anyone suffering from a cocaine addiction should reach out for help today.

Icarus Offers Proven Cocaine Treatment Programs

The Basics of Cocaine and Crack

According to a drug facts sheet on the National Institute on Drug Abuse website, “Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America… Another popular method of use is to smoke cocaine that has been processed to make a rock crystal (also called “freebase cocaine”). The crystal is heated to produce vapors that are inhaled into the lungs. This form of cocaine is called Crack…”

Cocaine and crack have the same psychoactive ingredients, the main difference between the two is their route of administration. Powder cocaine is insufflated, while crack is smoked. Crack is a purer form of cocaine because it is cooked down to its freebase form.

Whether addicted to powder cocaine or the freebase version commonly called crack, Icarus Behavioral Health has a program that is right for you. Call their admissions department today with any questions you may have.

Can You Overdose on Crack?

Crack Overdose

In short, yes, you can absolutely overdose on crack, as it is simply freebased cocaine that is usually smoked instead of insufflated.

There are many cases of drug overdose deaths and more specifically cocaine-related deaths.

Overdosing on crack can be deadly when it affects the heart causing heart attacks or strokes. The combination of the stimulant effects of cocaine coupled with the anastatic effects make it extremely dangerous.

The most deadly effects of crack are on the cardiovascular system.

Now: Can You Overdose on Cocaine?

Again, the short answer is yes, you can overdose on cocaine just as easily as you can overdose on crack. Because the two names, cocaine and crack, are talking about the same psychoactive substance, it would make sense that you can overdose on both of them.

Just as with crack, most overdoses on cocaine are due to its effects on the cardiovascular system.

According to the National Library of Medicine, “Patients who abuse cocaine risk life-threatening consequences, including tachydysrhythmia, severe hypertension, acute coronary syndrome, stroke, acute myocardial and renal failure, seizure, hyperthermia, cocaine-induced rhabdomyolysis, and fetal/maternal morbidity and mortality.”

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to cocaine, the danger of overdose is real. Calling Icarus Behavioral Health today can greatly increase the chances that whoever is suffering with chemical dependence to cocaine can begin their road to recovery.

Get Immediate Help For Cocaine Addiction

What are the Risk Factors for Cocaine Overdose?

There are many risk factors when it comes to a cocaine overdose. Some of these are co-morbidities such as high blood pressure and obesity.

Another way people are overdosing is because fentanyl has found its way into just about every other drug. The cheap and addictive nature of fentanyl means that not only will it add weight to the much more expensive cocaine, it will get people physically dependent on the opioid causing them great distress when they attempt to quit using the drug.

Profit-motivated dealers and suppliers do not care about the safety of their customers. By including fentanyl in the cocaine mixture, they amplify their profits exponentially.

In order to escape this lethal game that has plagued the lives of many people around the world, abstinence seems to be the only safety guarantee.

Any person not willing to continue playing Russian Roulette with their lives should reach out before it is too late.

Statistics for Cocaine Use and Overdose

According to a study published on the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s website, “Nearly 92,000 persons in the U.S. died from drug-involved overdose in 2020.” Among these, over 20,000 are cocaine overdose deaths. This number has more than doubled since 2005.

There has also been a dramatic rise in the number of synthetic opioid deaths which are mainly attributed to fentanyl rather than other drugs.

Some of these deaths are attributed to people who were not aware of the fentanyl present in other drugs.

Many people have died doing what they thought was only cocaine, and only later an autopsy found out the presence of fentanyl in their systems.

It is an extremely dangerous time to be dabbling in illicit substances because fentanyl can be in any of them.

I would encourage anyone not willing to die for their high to reach out to a program. Call Icarus Behavioral Health today to find more information on the next indicated step.

How Much Cocaine Does it Take to Overdose?

How Much Cocaine Does it Take to Overdose

Unfortunately, there is no way to know the exact dose that will lead to complications synonymous with an overdose. No amount of cocaine is totally safe for every individual.

Some people have other health issues that can make the lethal dose of cocaine much smaller than it would be for someone else.

It is because there is no set amount that creates an overdose that makes cocaine use so dangerous.

Anybody addicted to cocaine should reach out and get help as soon as possible. The admissions department at Icarus Behavioral Health is waiting to answer your calls right now.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Hotline

What are the Symptoms of Cocaine Overdose?

Cocaine overdose symptoms can vary in severity and may not be the same for each person.

According to another paper published on the National Library of Medicine website, “The major effects of cocaine poisoning include CNS effects such as agitation, seizures and psychosis, and cardiovascular effects such as dysrhythmias, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular collapse.”

In short, most cocaine overdose symptoms are cardiovascular related. Damage to the heart is devastating to the human body. Cocaine abuse should never be taken lightly as many people who end up taking too much overdose and die.

If you or a loved one is taking cocaine and cannot stop, calling Icarus Behavioral Health can be the first step towards recovery. Don’t risk cardiac arrest or other symptoms of a cocaine overdose any longer, reach out for help today.

What to do During a Suspected Overdose

If you suspect a cocaine overdose, seek medical treatment immediately. Cocaine overdose signs should always be taken seriously as mere moments can be the difference between life and death.

Calling 911 immediately will play a huge role in the survival of the patient. Explain to the operator what you suspect has taken place and they can assist you with what to do next.

If the patient does survive the cocaine overdose, it is a good time for them to assess their situation to possibly consider getting addiction treatment. The scare of a cocaine overdose can be used as ammunition to convince the person to get cocaine addiction treatment.

If they do consider getting addiction treatment, calling Icarus Behavioral Health can be an immensely powerful first step towards recovery. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so give them a call immediately.

Are There Long-Term Side Effects of Cocaine Use?

Depending on a multitude of factors, long-term negative effects of cocaine abuse can absolutely manifest themselves in the individual. There can be physical signs or psychological signs attributed to cocaine abuse.

Some psychological signs include paranoia, agitation, anxiety, depression, or full-blown psychosis. Physical signs can be damage to many organs of the body including the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Many cocaine abusers report lowered body weight due to the reduced blood flow into the stomach. There can also be ulcers that develop due to cocaine toxicity.

The main long-term effect is addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “…circuits involved in stress become increasingly sensitive, leading to increased displeasure and negative moods when not taking the drug, which are signs of withdrawal. These combined effects make the user more likely to focus on seeking the drug instead of relationships, food, or other natural rewards.”

When drug use increases, the risk of addiction increases. The more a person uses cocaine the harder that person’s life will be to live without the use of cocaine. This is why seeking treatment earlier than later is such an important idea.

If you or a loved one is suffering from an addiction, calling Icarus Behavioral Health can help you find the next indicated step to tackle that addiction. The sooner one reaches out for help, the easier it will be to stop these addictive chemicals such as cocaine.

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Depression and Cocaine Usage

Depression is associated with cocaine usage among many users. There are many different theoretical ways in which a person can experience symptoms of depression related to cocaine use.

According to a study on the National Library of Medicine, “Cocaine users show high levels of depression. Cocaine use may be associated with depression in a variety of ways. Cocaine users experience a “crash” that includes depressive symptoms following cessation of use… recurrent cocaine use may cause chronic overstimulation of brain reward circuitry, leading to neuroadaptation and consequent depression and anhedonia when use is interrupted. Chronic cocaine use also produces stressful life circumstances that may, in turn, lead to depression.”

Depression and Cocaine Usage

The Cocaine and Depression Connection

According to this study, there are many ways in which cocaine and depression are associated. The main fact to take away from the study is that cocaine use is dangerous, and the side effect of depression is a very common reality for cocaine abusers.

This is a way that cocaine relapse is so common. People who fall into this hole find it hard to get out of because they perceive cocaine use as their only hope of getting away from the depression.

Managing these co-occurring disorders is a specialty of Icarus Behavioral Health. Their dual diagnosis program is perfect for those struggling with depression and cocaine addiction.

To find out if their program is right for you, give them a call. They will be more than happy to discuss treatment options for you or your loved one who is struggling with a substance abuse disorder.

Cocaine and Alcohol: A Risky Combination

When combined with alcohol, cocaine becomes a much more dangerous substance. Alcohol will dull the perceived effects of cocaine, allowing the user to consume more and more until an overdose becomes inevitable.

The big problem with combining substances is that perception may lead one to believe they are countering each other as an upper and a downer. This perception is incorrect, as the toxicity of both chemicals compounds off of each other.

Anyone who is struggling with a poly-substance addiction is at a much higher risk of overdose. Whether they are using cocaine with alcohol, opioids, or any other sedative, they are much more likely to experience deadly overdose symptoms.

If you or a loved one struggling with a poly-drug addiction is seeking a way out, there is no better option than to call Icarus Behavioral Health, especially those in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area.

Even those not in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area should give them a call and discuss traveling for treatment in order to give themselves the best hope of sustaining a life in recovery.

Traveling for treatment can be especially beneficial in order to get out of the environment that has caused a person to continue to use. Give Icarus Behavioral Health a call today!

We Accept Most Forms of Insurance for Treatment

Treatment Options for Cocaine Overdose

In the event of a cocaine overdose, treatment in a hospital emergency department is typically needed. Whether you have used a gram of cocaine, or an 8-ball, the risk of overdose needs to be taken seriously when warning signs are present.

The emergency department will assess the patient’s needs by evaluating their ABCDEs. According to the National Library of Medicine, “The mnemonic “ABCDE” stands for Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure. First, life-threatening airway problems are assessed and treated; second, life-threatening breathing problems are assessed and treated; and so on.”

Once the patient has been properly assessed, they need to be treated. According to another paper published on the National Library of Medicine’s website, “cardiovascular toxicity and agitation are best-treated first-line with benzodiazepines to decrease CNS sympathetic outflow.”

Once a patient is stabilized, utilizing the overdose as motivation for substance abuse treatment can be useful to get the patient away from these dangerous drugs.

For more information on convincing a patient to attend some sort of substance abuse treatment, Icarus Behavioral Health’s admissions department can guide you in how to approach the person. Calling them can greatly increase a person’s chance at recovery.

Finding Long-Term Cocaine Treatment Programs

Long-Term Cocaine Treatment Programs

Finding a program that works for you or your loved one can be a difficult task as there are many different treatment facilities. Reading reviews from prior clients of the facilities can be a helpful tool when deciding.

In the Albuquerque, New Mexico area, Icarus Behavioral Health stands out as one of the most effective treatment centers in the nation. Their use of well-studied treatment modalities and therapies makes them stand out as a wonderful place to begin a new life in recovery.

Reading reviews of Icarus Behavioral Health paints a picture of a wonderfully welcoming facility that many people have credited with being a place that saved their lives.

For more information about their program call their admissions department today to discuss your options. They are awaiting your call today!

Get Lasting Recovery from Cocaine at Icarus Today!

Icarus Behavioral Health offers treatment for substance abuse disorders as well as dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders. Their evidence-based; well-studied therapy modalities are proven effective for all kinds of addictions including cocaine addiction.

Many people have recovered from their cocaine addictions, and finding lasting recovery from cocaine is absolutely possible at Icarus Behavioral Health.

From referring to top medically supervised detox to their acclaimed inpatient treatment then dropping down to an intensive outpatient or partial hospitalization program, the focus on dropping down in levels of care offers clients a wonderful shot at a new life in recovery.

Whether you are local to the Albuquerque area or are traveling for treatment, Icarus Behavioral Health is a great place to start when considering substance abuse treatment.

Remember, there is always someone waiting to field any questions or concerns you may have about their program. Give them a call today and give yourself a break from the hectic lifestyle that accompanies addiction. It could be the best decision you have made in your life… Call today!

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